Well, friends ... I have to do purpose of amendment and start writing my adventures but this other story of mine in search of the lord bones keeps me busy and also must say, Daddy has been devoted to other less important things and also take you much time and help prevent it ... and you imagine it to me with my leg twisted, I is more difficult to write.
Well, recent news is that yesterday was my first day of " Perroquería ." Yes! because until now all those things made me the mom, but she was tired and convinced dad to take me ... do relax! What a deal! What a pretty girl! -Which I attended and those groomed like me .. I think I will repeat more often if I even put my precious hair mask, I cleaned my ears and made me the "paticura" ... Anyway, I left there, "Chiguaka" as another. Too bad the weather was so bad that I could show how well I've been to my colleagues, I am going another puppy.
Also I received a nice photo of my friends Tolita Nevado who have been helping Doggie Claus, and they told me ...
that despite the occasional crisis funny bone to the dogs drop us good ... and you need less and less!
But before you come Doggie Claus is something very special ... and we want to be like Pancho as we went to buy some tickets for the drawing of excellence of the year, Christmas and ...
so together with Otto, I went to the nearest lottery office, the golden cock . They bought some tickets for the gang lol, I see cruising by canine Caribbean, because this time I'm sure we get ...
And the rest of the days when I have not said anything? What happened? It's true that I have many things to tell but I will not agobiaros so at the end of the story will find the links to the photos ... for now I leave you with a new chapter of my other little adventures:
A of The Lord of the bones ...!
We're about to find nothing more and nothing less than The Lord of Bones! We want to tell us what our true roles in life, give us a position among the Dogs of Light. And we can not return to human evil, but when we arrive, it will give us a big surprise ...
never forget the time I spent with him!
But, hey, do not tell you more ... Rediscover yourself ...
XVI) Welcome to Orbis Natura
advanced through the mystic cave, not knowing where we were. Everything was dark. The floors were wet, and walls full of skeletons. It was certainly a real tomb. Suddenly, we stopped in front of bones scattered on the floor.
- Will one of these the bone?
"I think not. This is ... a body ... "suggested Balto.
"It ... Hachiko. Immediate
instinctively, we all depart from the dead. We decided to keep walking. The tomb
silence reigned.
After a while, we realized that the cave was divided into two paths, and decided to follow the law as it is the place my leg bent.
By following this route, we feel a kind of spiritual song, typical of the ghosts, echoed in the distance. Accelerating the pace. Until we stop. There was no exit. The road was not anywhere. Ended.
We wanted to turn around, but something stopped us. That "something" was a ... Spirit!, Which did not stop gnawing a bone of wild boar. We were watching him at length, without him noticing our presence. When going for a while, and it seemed he had eaten quite a bone end, was devoted to gnaw at the other end.
I sat on a whole mountain of bones and skeletons of more than twenty feet crooked, as we discussed for some time, as canine equivalent of almost four meters humans.
And despite all the bones have that wish, only seemed to crack, that bone. His appearance is difficult described. I had no color was transparent. His eyes were the only color I had. Yellow eyes blue.
He looked like an old farmer, with enormous long whiskers that reached to the knees, and nails as sharp as swords. All an appearance. From time to time, appeared and disappeared, changed shape, or leaving only his head visible, which was spinning like a ball, until we receive your entire body. Yes, always hold your bone. Since
was giving us the impression that he intended to remain there to eternity, it was me who tried to start the conversation.
"My very kind Sir, could you tell my colleagues and me, where is the Lord of Bones?
Her eyes widened as if they were treated tennis balls, he remained thoughtful for a while and cried ...
- Are you dead?
"No ... We think not, sir.
- What are you doing here then?
"We came looking for The Lord of Bones.
- Why do you find it?
"Because we think, that I am the Chosen One, you know, the descendant who has the leg as crooked as his ancestor, and you can get the bone.
- Do you think, or do you know?
- Why do you always answer with another question?
- Would not be my way of being?
I resigned.
- Do you know where is the Lord of Bones?
- Why would I know ... I?
"Well, because we have entered the domain of the Big Dog, right? And you are a spirit ...
- And do not believe that to let you go, I know if they really are His offspring?
"Well ... Maybe ...
- you let me see your leg, therefore?
He turned the bone I was gnawing.
"Sure, here it is ..." and stretched my leg bent.
He bent down and carefully analyzed.
then slowly started to become invisible.
- Wait, sir! How to find The Lord of Bones?
- And you should better stop talking, and be more observant? "Were his last words before disappearing altogether.
And, you might was right, because the huge mountain of bones, was opening a hole in it, we absorbed all at an oversight.
think this was our end, but how wrong we were, because, once enclosed in the skeletons, the hole was reopened, and drove us out.
But, upon leaving, we are not back to the grave where we had been before, but we are right in front of a dog that could have been The Lord of Bones.
dog was old and gray, with long beards, but it was very, very similar to me. A large wolf-skin cloak, covered his back. On her head a crown made of twigs, and small little bones that decorated it. He was thrown, with a pose that reminded me of me too. Situábamos we all, in a cave, which seemed the mouth of a dog, full of stalagmites formed by the teeth of falling water into a regular rhythm.
We watched intently as he stroked his beard. However, it was him this time who initiated the conversation.
- Balto? "Balto? Is that you?
- Sir? "Said Balto," Lord of Bones?
- Balto!
- Lord!
- What a joy to see you here! He did not receive a visit like this for thousands of years!
"Excuse me if I left my job as Dog of the Aurora Borealis, which oversees all of the Earth Canes. If I left, was only for a few days.
- No need to apologize! Perhaps one can not take a vacation decentillas? It is also a pleasure for me that you came to visit me.
who appeared to be the Lord of Bones, stooped looking for something. Seemed to find it, when he took an elephant tusk hole, and placed it under the stalagmites, waiting for the tusk to fill with water.
- Fancy a bit of water to the Stalactite?
- Sure! But ... You do not drink, my Lord?
"I do not need to drink or eat ...
" I do not, Lord, I'm dead like you ...
- Sure! But I have millions of years without it, you only about eighty, and never feel bad a bowl of water to the Stalactite, even the dead ... And, forgive my guardian hosting ... always been like that ... But it is a kind-hearted dog, the years have become a bit ... It's called Adjudant Majara, Khan of the Canes, and is the domestic dog that has lived more years in the earth's surface ... It's a dog Indian and saved a little boy a great fire ... When he tried to save others, died in the rubble of the fire. But I, like Lord of Bones, was giving much thought more life ... Well, I said, Welcome to Canis Natura!
- a minute! But ... "Are you really the Lord of Bones?" I interrupted the conversation.
- Sure, baby! "Said Balto, I present to himself Big Dog, The Lord of Bones!
- Wow, nice to meet you!
- Oh, that guy more friendly! You remind me of me when I was little! If you have a leg up crooked! How many years have you been dead? Forgot Having A life taken away! Neither you nor your mate!
"Well, I just ..." said Balto-To it came from. Lord, Yogi and Lazzi are ... Deadly.
- Deadly? Are they alive? But Balto! How did you happen to lead them here? It is a serious disregard for the rules!
"I know, sir ... But this is a special case, Lord ...
- How will you be special?
"Sir, we have spent many hardships to get here ... we can not drive now. You see, we figured out the puzzle, and we have entered the Tomb of your offspring Hachiko, the Dog of the pollen, which is not separated from his friends, which almost has the leg as twisted as you, and almost manages to be the one to get Bone. Well ... What happens ... is that Hachiko is not elected. But Yogi is also a descendant of his.
"Yeah, so what? This pooch! Do not pretend to say that he himself is the One?
"Well, Lord, is just what I wanted to say.
The Lord of Bones, was stunned. He also stayed a while looking at my leg.
When it seemed to have calmed down, he cried.
- And did you bring me here?! Knowing the danger that implies?! There are thousands of descendants detractors, cruel, and blasphemous infidels who want to be with the West! And you guide them here. Well I'll tell you something, Balto. This dog, go away from here, how much of a kick with my leg twisted in the ground. Is that clear? And most likely, take away your soul, Balto, or at least your Aurora Borealis! You have endangered the bone! And with him all the Animal World! And Natura Canis City, where we are now, the Paradise in which the dogs have to rest in peace ... Forever! Well, my dear elected, will cease to be in how to die ... Forever!
- Wait! No, Lord! Yogi just wants to find his destiny. It was a pet life, and considers that to be something more in life, stay with you to monitor the bone. He wants nothing to seize the animals.
"You're right, Balto ... I do not think that this lovely puppy wanted to hurt anyone. But those barbarians, I pursued. They can not find the bone, or be the end for all the animals that inhabit this planet.
"But ... Do your own offspring, they want to do evil?
"Yes, Yogi. I'll explain everything from the beginning. For millions and millions of years, dogs were not even dogs, but wolves. Wolves. And they had no contact with humans. But there was a wolf Pata called Twisted, who had the most crooked leg that was ever seen, and was discriminated against by their peers. However, Crooked Leg, made friends with humans, and although this caused an even greater rejection among their peers, accomplished after a battle with evil and envious wolves, to initiate an era of peace between humans and wolves . Everyone helped one another, and one was essential for the survival of another. Twisted leg was king. In addition, the various tribes got to scramble for wolves not be the ones who were in town to watch the West. As you know, the bone was given to Reyes doggy, faithful assistants of the Magi, by the Christian God, for them to occupy the animal world, and they, in turn, entrusted the task of monitoring the bone, each other Canes, while they also protect the bone.
"Yes, I know the story.
"Well, the reign of Torcida Pata was a Golden Age for the world, and the dog began to be born. But once dead Twisted Leg, some wolves rebelled against His law, and kidnapped the descendants that he had left, educating them in evil and in the philosophy of the wolves, only a few managed to escape. This lasted several generations, the descendants of the poor inhabiting Torcida Pata, including wolves, with his own bloody ideas, and not even knowing who they really were. Until I did what I did, and know the story, and I beat the Wolves, returning to my real family. As you know, I was sent to bring them information about the West, and to guide them to it. But I fell in love. And I regretted it forever, for what he was doing. You see, everyone deserves a second chance. We are free to choose, and may change. But we all make mistakes. Although, when I told the truth to all animals in the canine side of the Kings, they were furious, they helped me, thanks to my beloved, who convinced them all because they saw he was deeply sorry. Therefore, I returned with the wolves, and brought them to a cave, where they enclose. But I hid in the cave to protect the bone, and I never went out. It was a step closer to full training Can. However, dogs are not fully formed until the time of the famous King Yogi I, the first dog that existed thousands of years after I hid me here. Your name is descended from that dog, Yogi. It is an honor to call you that, like him.
"Thanks ...
" But, you know, that this name descends Yocki turn, that means in an ancient tongue, "Bent Leg." My name Yocki.
- Yocki?-Remembered Don Raposu instantly.
"Yes, Yocki. Your name, in fact, comes from the mine, "smiled" Besides, what have you ever stopped to think that you are a very special dog?
"Well ... We are all special.
"Exactly. But a dog as special as you, must have a race. And it is.
- "Really?" "I was fascinated.
"Seriously. Your race is the most wonderful and legitimate of all breeds, since you have the race of the first dog there, Yogi. That's why I call him that. Your race comes from the original appearance of the first dogs.
- Wow! Really?-Ever surprised me more.
"Yeah," nodded the Lord of Bones "But still we do not change the subject. I went back to get, well, more or less what my ancestor Leg Bent, the source of my name: It had no war between wolves and dogs or their different tribes. However, even though wolves are banished to the forests in the far corners of the earth, doomed to not associate with anyone not of their kind, there is a group called "Lobuista", which incidentally is made mainly because of my many descendants, who want to get the West for military purposes.
"I know what that is ... My father ... is one of them ...
- Oh, how terrible! My poor puppy! Well ... So what I want is to live here with me. I warn you that it's horribly boring ... But ... do not have a family?
"Well, yes, my Father, Lobuista, and ...
" No, no, no, no I mean that kind of family ... When I lived many dogs living with humans, like his brothers and never separated from them. Long ago that I go out, do things do not remain so?
"Yes. Human remains and dogs together, I said.
- But are monsters! - "Jumped" Lazzi-have their pets as toys, and do not let them know freedom! I do believe that they too are people, not just tell them or who are you!
"Maybe if you do not tell who I am ... is because they do not.
- Yeah, but they are evil, and ...!
- What, my child? Since the days of Twisted Leg, humans and dogs have been as genuine peers. They are different from us, and sometimes make mistakes. But we want, as we want them to, and sometimes we are unjust. Have errors, but ... who does not? Even the gods are perfect ... But we forgive each other, and learn, amend and admit mistakes ... it is wise. Let there be evil humans, does not mean they are all equal. Or perhaps among the dogs are not the evil Lobuistas? Living beings are free to decide which path we take ... Some are evil, others we choose the right path ... I'm sure you, my girl, you can find a good family man, to embrace you ... I ducked the
ears. I was more confused than ever. Most animals who had known had tried to humans of "barbarians." Expected to find my way with the Lord Bone. May he guide me and help me also to stand up to humans, and begin a reign of Dogs on humans. Lazzi and many others had urged me to go the way of war, hatred, spite. And when I finally found The Lord of Bones, I said that I should return with humans, my real family.
"So you got away from home, huh?
- How do you know that? "I asked surprised.
"I know everything. And your own longing to see you again. No matter the race or species. We are all brothers. And they are also your family.
"But ..." Go, my boy, through the eye of wisdom.
then tore the eye of rennet, and approached me. It looked, to my own sad, weeping for me.
I do not know what to think. So sad seeing them gave me a lot of nostalgia and pity. He felt that he should return with them, but ... I had made this trip for nothing? How was that possible?
The Lord of Bones, re-setting your eye.
"Do what you want. You are free to decide. But they have been bred you, and what they have lived their entire life with you. Dogs need a few brothers of another race to be happy, and share our feelings. Dogs and people are united. By the way, Yogi, I guess you know you're the One, and what it takes to be. If you want to stay, it must be like Lord of Bones, and I rest in peace. If you decide to become what I am now, you can not go. You have to protect the West, until a new Chosen One, decides to take your place. But there is only one elected every hundred million years. Until then you'll have to wait.
I was thinking.
But miracles had not begun.
- Ah, relief! It hurts! It really hurts! I think I'll die! "Exclaimed Lazzi. The tick had
Get in on your heart, and take out all your blood.
- I can not anymore! I'm dying! Help! Somebody do something!
- Depart! "Cried the Lord of Bones.
Lazzi is approached. Insect-
cowardly and tiny, that you dare to harm others in the only way you can, feeding their vile blood. Salt from the body of my sister, my daughter legitimate. Get out of your soul, because you never take it over.
Dust thou art, and to dust you!
A ray of light invaded the room. Lazzi opened his eyes before, no energy left, it closed, and smiled.
- My daughter! Are you okay? "The Lord of the bones in his arms.
- Lazzi! Dear!
-Yogi, thanks for being by my side.
-never leave you.
"Dear daughter," interrupted Lord of the Bones-Something tells me, you want to give you something.
"Yes, Lord. My mother was murdered brutally by some humans, that made me pick up hatred towards them. You have made me see that not everyone will be well. Many can understand, and love, like dogs, we love each other. However, my family has been found over the years, only ruthless men, as I have understood. My beloved grandmother, whom I even met him, also died because of humans. My mom told me as a child, she had got a soul, that you you had given him. Is that true? Can I see my grandmother? Also to my mother?
The Lord of Bones bowed his head.
"Sorry about your mother, who risked his life to save. But it was not enough for you could give a soul. I can only give limited time to time. But your grandmother ... Apparently you do not know their history. She risked her life for the world. And chances are you know her, "she smiled.
Bones Lord of the departed.
Behind him was an old dog, so cute, it could be a fairy.
"Hello, my child," she said to Lazzi "My dear little granddaughter ...
- Grandma!" Lazzi ran to hug her.
"Your grandmother, dear cub," said The Lord of Bones "is the bitch of the Stars, the most important because it can give a spirit. Called Laika, was born in Moscow. It was sent from Russia, for humans, in a flying machine, like a bird, into space. It was the first living being go into space. Unfortunately, these human greed knew no bounds, and again sent on another mission, to reach the moon, and pisase. She fought for it. But he died a few hours after takeoff. I felt sorry for her, and gave him a soul without thinking. It is the largest and most important Dog Light of all.
But Lazzi not listen much to The Lord of Bones. She had found her grandmother, who also was much larger than she had ever imagined. But was content to have found her. And together they began to sing ...
- She sleeps under the blue sky,
and dreams of the golden stars.
most shining, her grandmother,
wants it for her ...
most shining, her grandmother,
wants it for her ...
"I'm glad that all you have found what you sought. I think now you have given to your destination. It will be a pleasure to have you here as guests, "said The Lord of Bones.
"We have not done all that we ask you," said Balto.
- Oh, no? Te hear happy, Balto. Speak! What happens? Do not want to return to heaven, not abandon your friends? Is that right? Do not worry, I can get someone to take your place in heaven. You can stay here and be ... The Rain Dog, and of feeling, crying, and loving. Is this OK? If in a few weeks someone has not taken your place as Dog of the Aurora Borealis, fidelity, and courage, then you have to go back. But I promise that I will find a replacement a few months.
"Not that, sir. Do you remember?
"Well ... remember what, Balto?
"From that, well, my inert form, invisible, colorless .-- In short, in my mind how I have to take to go to heaven ... I can not carry things with me, because I have no weight. I like air.
"I know. I can also adopt them, of course. What's all this?
"You promised me that my precious cuidaríais medallion, and that you would give a very special place. I will not neglect my job. Just last look at the medallion of my dear master. To return it in my legs, even for the last time, and leave.
"Well, that's what you mean.
-not trying to be suspicious. I know you gave you a special place and you are protecting, but would like to see it.
"Well, Balto. It is an impossible wish. Twisted leg for me! I can not grant it.
- Would not you save me? Am I deceived?
- Do not think that about me, please! It's just that ... You trusted me, and I will put it away. That was the deal. You will not be able to see him in your life.
- How? Do not make me this, O Lord! I need to see! Touch it! Did not kept this special place ...?
- Sure ...! And so ...! But ... You see, Balto. No one may be returned to your medallion.
- And why not?
"No I can tell you ..." The Lord of Bones bowed his head.
I drew closer to Balto.
"I'm sorry, really. I'm sorry your journey here has not served at all ... But we will support you.
"Do not worry. This trip has given me one of the greatest gifts you could wish for: having my side.
"If the Lord of Bones, not give you the medallion, Balto, I'll go with you. Die if necessary. I have a soul assured because I am the Chosen One, and go with you to heaven. Do not give up.
"Thanks, Yogi. But your destiny is here. If The Lord of Bones does not give me the medallion will have a reason. It must not be neglected. Stay with it, Yogi.
"No, I'm very angry. The Lord of Bones is no longer my friend.
- I beg you! Do not misunderstand things. I also regret not being able to give you the medallion.
And if so what I lament, could not you at least explain to your humble servant the reason for their choice?
-No. Sorry.
"Well we do not care what lamentéis. I'm going with Balto.
- Do not go! There is so stubborn not show you the medallion.
- Why oh Lord?
The Lord of Bones sighed.
"Because ... the medallion shows the way to the West. It's a map! He turned in a magical medallion, which shows the route to the West, and only you can see, guided by spirits, the Chosen One.
- Please, Lord! Just let me touch it!
"I'm sorry, but no. Both
Balto as I begin to understand their reasons. No one could know where he was the West, nor could they remain in a safe place that the Lord of Bones had well guarded.
"Never mind, Sir," said Balto, I understand. Well, Yogi Lazzi, I hope that you will live very happy here and would like to see you again someday.
-I guess this is goodbye, "said Lazzi-You are one of the most wonderful dogs I have known.
"Thank you, Lazzi.
"I'll go with you I cried.
"No, Yogi. Do it for me. Stay.
"I will miss you, Balto ... So long.
"Farewell, my little ones.
Balto was about to leave. The Lord of Bones was really embarrassed.
"Wait, Balto," the Big Dog as he turned to sighing.
He removed his wolf fur cloak, and revealed subjected hanging down his neck. He pulled away and put him in Balto.
-Tenloyou. I trust you, and I know it will not fall into the hands of any Lobuista heartless. Have between your legs the map towards the West. Protect it!
"Well, well ... How interesting, my grandfather!
We all turned and looked toward the back of the cave.
was my father.
And now the links of the pictures ... you will realize that daddy gets less and less pictures and just "click" if there is a new colleague in the park ... Why be?.
are placed from oldest to newest.
Until September 8 - Career and snails - Entertainment - Dance - came in October - Pool Days - Two buddies - Ares and The - During the bridge
Patitas to tod @ s, and lick Guaus
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