In recent days I have not written anything not that I put into hibernation as our dear groundhog, is that it's all muddy because of rain that has gone on almost any day from the "big snow." The fact is that our American friends seem to ignore the sayings around here, yes, those that refer to La Candelaria, San Blas and Storks , and has predicted six more weeks of harsh winter Grrrrr! Come spring I want yaaaaa!.
So due to the rain there were not many notable things, few friends on the rides, many games and almost daily showers around to remove all dirt and mud off ... That's why we went out, because some made "pellets " and squares of the weekend rides (Saturnalia and Sunday, jejejeje)
But there is always something to tell, for example, that mommy touched a leg, small, an Iberian Jamoncito us we're eating little by little ... I one is not like all my friends knew that we had played so succulent dish and self invited to help us pittance ... I did the "longuis" and I think that although I was not rude, they bother my little generosity this case, but surely you understand me ... I am glad the little Coco came to my aid and misled with their games but I would have run out "Mommy ham"
As it happened weekend ... On Saturday I met a wicked cat with blue eyes and ... but that's another story.
And as far as the Sunday ... a huge, fierce dog wearing a muzzle-called Kenzo was the novelty of the weekend ... thank goodness that we ate each other because although he had painted were three of us to be much more fierce ...
But I did not think much is better to leave you with the third installment of my "another great adventure" in which I meet a mysterious dog who defended me Whip ... What happens next?
Origins Of Canes
III) The Secret of the Wolf Dog
"Help! Help! "I started crying!
The dog started whipping me with his tail ... I was left completely bruised ... I tore the skin with their fangs and his staff ... I took her by the neck and threw me into the mud ... And suddenly, when I was going to give The final blow to the insurance assassinate me, a flashing light appeared!, and with it, a great dog, who began fighting fiercely with the beast of the stick ...
I was terrified by the ferocity of the battle, but I started to encourage the dog to bark light
... Suddenly, the latter took a whip for the same tail, with which he is said to beat whipping!, and threw the mud puddle, where he had launched seconds before me ... also grabbed his stick!
Who would be that brave dog? I was amazed! But I, of course, I thanked him ...
- Wow! That was amazing! Thank you, indeed! "Qui ... who are you?
- That's what I should say, small ... A domestic dog has to walk down the street at this time ... I'd better go home, son ... - said the mysterious dog ...
- What you? You do not have a home?
- No, small ... My home is in heaven, among the stars ... I do not need a family ...
- How do you say that? Having a family is what makes your life happy!
- Look, kid, go home, I have other things to do ... - he said gravely.
- But ... is that ... I'm ... you know ...
- Lost! - Ended it ...
- Yes ...
- Very good, very good, small, you know where you live?
- Yes, near the Mountain Closed ...
- The mountain closed! Since you have not isolated or anything ... I'd better not do it again, little ... Okay, you have to cross that street, then you know where is the statue of the Gorda, Humana "Fill", right? ... But hey, do not look at me with that face, son ...
"Well, okay, okay, I'll walk ... but try not to back away from your love ..." he said, while hit a snort and muttered resignation - Just what I needed, to babysit a little guy ... For domestic dog leg twisted!
- Paw crooked? What does that mean? "He missed me ...
- you know ...! Homemade dog born and die ... Pet Dog An exclamation that means that something is outrageous, or unusual, or something that makes you feel angry, you know ... You never heard?
- No, we always say, "Jolin" or "Incredible" or "By God!" ...
- Why God? "I interrupted him - a" humanization "totally! Sounds horrible! What dogs would say would be "For the West!" Or "For the Lord of Bones!" in any case ...
- "The Lord of Bones? "I came to wonder ...
- Okay, small, while going to your house, would you like me to explain the origin of these expressions? ...
- Oh, yes, please! Tell me! How interesting! "I begged me happy ...
- Okay ... You see ... a long time ago, at the beginning of the world, there was a dog, well, at first it was a wolf, which was distinguished from others by having one leg bent ... They called him The Crooked Paw, but very few have heard of his name ... They only know their family, and maybe some
privileged ... Look, you know what? You! You look a lot like him ...
- Really? I asked, fascinated.
- Yes, really ... But much doubt that your family is a domestic dog branch ...
And our dark dog, Yogi told the story that you have read the first chapter of my Adventure Journal ...
- They say the Giant Bent Leg, fell in love, "continued the dog had saved Yogi-and it was this love, which belonged to the Edict of the Dogs, who took special care, and at first told his secret ... She always knew, and never left behind ... Her beloved was who helped him defeat the wolves ...
... And here comes the worship of dogs to the Bones ... An attraction that is inherited from, centuries and millennia ago ... They say that, by that act of kindness and courage, he was appointed Lord of Bones, canine ... They say that God is still alive, with an escort of animals named Santos, in a remote, monitor the "West Lost" ... You know, that only a descendant of the lost dog can catch the West in order to obtain power in the Animal Kingdom ...
And that choicedescendant, will ... twisted his leg ... ... Like you ...
- Wow! I loved the story, thanks!
- not just a story, kid ... doggy is the biggest myth of all time ... is ... real.
- But ... that means ... I could be the offspring selected ... right?
- You? Look, I doubt it, son ... A dog home as you do not think it is the descendant of a Legend. You know not to go anywhere without your scarf, clothes and shoes, and special food for "dogs" ... home ... "mocked my Savior.
- Well, I hate and coats! "I justified it.
- That's not enough ... There you a free dog ... Also, not even sure you met your true family ...
- True?
- Do you think your parents are two human hands, five toes, and two bloody butt? Wise up, son! I do not think they would also supposed that descendants of Pata
Torcida ... You can feel affection for them, but they will have as a toy, kid, if you were your own son would not want you came forth out into the street for people to no I saw you, be ashamed you!
But ...! I defended les ...
- Do you have a child?
- Well, yes, but ...
- What really thought it was your older brother ...? It's a human! Like them! And be able to kill so as not to spoil his little stuffed bear! You are like a doll! Not as a living!
- Hey ...!
- Do not you ever laughed at "you" ...?
- Well, yes indeed, but ...
- So accept it, kid! No laughing "with you"! They laughed "IT"! I have a toy!
I'm taking you home because you're happy, I know what you want, but maybe we are celebrating that you're gone, and that will get rid of you ... So when you return, you will punish them and stick a slap on the ass ...
- That's not true ... - I said, ready to mourn - I want! I want! I want! I want to and are concerned about me!
- but will punish you ... You know, what would you think that perhaps the same with his own son or nephew? It would throw their arms and begin to fill it with kisses and gifts!
The dog looked angry, and I, that I did not know that answer ...
- But I want to be somebody in life! In this case I find my true origins, I want to know if it's true that I am the chosen descendant of the Dog Leg Bent, I would be more than a short-legged dog, who "also" has a crooked leg!
- Sorry, kid, I should not behave well with you ... You are quite right ... But is that ... I hate humans ... Maybe that's because I'm a wild dog, a bum, huh, kid?
- Yes, maybe ... I'm not going to do if ... - I tried to console me I ...
- I'm really sorry, my son.
- One moment, if you're a bum, you do not know your real family!
The dog answered:
- The long lost, but I learned ... What I mean is that I have not grown up with a biberoncito, nor have I been a dog, bought! ... Because, you know, you buy ...
- Do we buy? I do not remember that ... I do not remember growing up in a store ... I remember ... It's true! I remember! I remember my mother ... A beautiful Pekingese crossbreed, giving suck to my siblings and me ... We lived in a small village of animal freedom ... I remember the day I took in a cardboard box with a jerseycillo, now used as a blanket, and met my new love ...
- You may not be as domestic as I thought, puppy "he said, which seemed excited about my words ... - Look! We have arrived! Is it here where you live?
I looked where we were and exclaimed:
- Yes, it's here! Thank you! Really! It's here! I cried too excited ...
- Well, try not to have to re-rescue, eh puppy? "He said, funny and lovingly.
- Ja, ja! "I laughed, barked - not worry! I do not have to do! Thank you ...!
I suddenly realized one thing:
- Eh! Still do not know your name! We have a good time talking and not even know your name!
But when I turned around, the mysterious dog had disappeared.
- Oh, no! Horror! I cried because he wanted to find adventure with him - I need to find you!
- Dog Friend! Eh! Eh! Where are you? Does anyone there?
So, silly me, instead of meeting with my family and back, made the biggest mistake of my life, I turned and I looked for the mysterious dog ...
But, of course ... I do not suppose
will need to tell you what happened then ...
lost again ...
tried to return to where he had first met, but found no way at all ...
So, I started to bark to call ...
But this had to alert the population, then suddenly, a large truck appeared before me, and almost ran me over! But by some miracle managed to avoid it ...
This raised a big fuss because he suddenly began to hear thousands of whistles and screams ... But that was not the worst ... Suddenly, two men got dressed in white (But I could not distinguish very well because I'm colorblind) ... And I tried to catch ... They brought a kind of network in which I went inside, and then threw me to the back of the truck, which had, a cage!
was terrified!
closed the cage and took me with them in the van ...
What was that? A kidnapping? What these two men wanted me? Now he was lost! Oh, horror, why had I escaped?!
Ah! I forgot to leave the links to the rest of the photos, I hope you enjoy them ... and remember that you can also follow other adventures: Pata Twisted Tales
photos .. . "And a ham
And the photos: "Kitty"
And the .... "A friend pericoloso"
you soon
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