Sunday, January 31, 2010

Myammee Weave Hairstyles

El diluvio en Cusco

When natural disasters occur far from where we live, we often feel outside, but still we are committed to help. However, what happens when a disaster happens near our area and it happens to people we know. Since the earthquake in Ica, Nazca and Pisco, the extreme rainstorm in Cusco is the next test of nature against our nation.

images are bleak and the panorama of Cusco, after the "flood" lived a few days ago. The Sacred Valley of the Incas has been so intense this phenomenon by a la proximidad de los ríos que lo atraviesan. Las vías de recorrido hacia Machu Picchu han sido colapsadas y la región entró en crisis por la cantidad de turistas varados en la población de Aguas Calientes (lamentablemente, la prensa aprovechó esto para generar controversia y escándalo como siempre).

De esta dolorosa experiencia es importante recalcar la solidaridad que existe en el Perú. La hermandad entre peruanos existe y esta reflejada en el deseo de ayudar desde distintos puntos de nuestro país. Los puntos de apoyo cada día se incrementan y se agradece todo gesto de solidaridad con nuestros paisanos.

Yo vivo desde hace un tiempo temporalmente entre Cusco y Lima. Hasta hace poco I was in Cusco, just before the flood, unfortunately, for study had to leave for Lima on 17 January in which I am obliged to stay until 24 February. Fortunately, from here you can be aware of everything that is happening thanks to the Internet (thanking @ markopunk for excellent visual coverage on Twitter) and television (the distortions were unfortunate, but all in all it was reported).

My feelings are of anger and pride, a somewhat strange mix. Anger at having to be away from my town just when I need and unable to escape from the capital, and pride as from Lima also feels the support provided a mi ciudad y a mis paisanos. Estoy enterado de dos eventos benéficos para apoyar a los damnificados: uno en Lima y otro en Cusco.

El primer evento es un concierto de música llamado “Que levante la mano la guitarra…” , éste se realizará en el Teatro Municipal de Cusco, el día 4 de febrero, y la entrada son 10 soles o elementos de primera necesidad equivalentes. (Evento en Facebook) . El segundo evento es una actividad artística variada llamada “Cusco sí se siente en Lima” , ésta se realizara en el parque Kennedy, el día 6 de febrero, y se recibirán donaciones como agua, artículos de higiene personal, herramientas (Shovels and picks), canned goods (urgently), specific foods for infants and children, blankets, warm clothes, buckets, tents, kitchen utensils (pots, plates, cutlery, small kitchens, etc..) Among other things. (Event on Facebook) .

Between my father and mother have family farms in Lamay, Cochahuasi (animal sanctuary) , Yucay and Mollepata. Unfortunately two of them misfortune struck the ground, in Lamay, as my uncle has Papin, the crops are destroyed and Cochahuasi, a cage where they were foxes (which were fortunately rescued) has been destroyed and the wooden bridges have collapsed.

This is further evidence of our country, our people, our people. No choice but to get over this sharp fall, my grandfather, my father, a civil engineer specializing in hydrology, is found in several review committees of civil defense infrastructure in Cusco, I will work with the Lima event in Kennedy Park Miraflores. At present, Cusco, the historical capital of Peru, needs our help in any way. Support our brothers Cuzco ...


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