Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bluetooth With A Jump Drive

late Let it Snow ...

Hello again: We're already well
year and that, although we did not have a white Christmas, as you said my friend Sandra from Seattle, Mother Nature has done a good washing with little water cold ... yeah, it snowed and great entertainment.
all started on Friday, but very slightly and it seemed that everything was going to happen without many setbacks to normal life. Well, everything changed overnight, and leaving on Saturday morning ... DSC00010 GUAUU! everything had changed and although the snow was cold was a totally new situation for me ... especially because as you will see in the picture: The neighborhood was for us, very few Bipes ventured out of their houses and no adventurer ventured out in those contraptions that give me so scared and usually run over defenseless animals and quite often distracted.
not thought to see many friends but ...
Who approached me with the good snow day? Looked like someone who came directly from Noel Perrin and ... DSC00015 Loli that was accompanied by Otto told me that everything was white ...
not accompanied us to the park down, but Otto and I were determined to inaugurate the newly fallen snow in our park, and nothing better than a fight snowball .... Hilarious! DSC00037 Then came our friend Nana, as if nobody knew it, he wanted to take all the snow for her hidden in his legs ... DSC00054 thought the "Snow Queen", but BIPE and I realized forced to leave all that was stored ... DSC00059

After that we went home, but then we saw the real Snowman. And while carrying an umbrella all knew that this was not going to prevent snow remain ...
But we could not stay long with him. Although my legs were not too cold, if the rest of the body was shaking, plus dad wanted to go home for breakfast, always comes in fast on the very silly.

Then Daddy was proposed as the other children Montecerrao Bipes and use the time to make new snowmen and ... your right this is what came out and, jijijijiji, standing only lasted long enough to take the picture ... see that daddy is not sure of equilibria in the snow, and that it boasts skiing quite well, at least when young.
DSC00093 the afternoon, as you see in the picture above, and we were more friends and play with our Bipes a nice ball war ... we won the puppies because they were white boys at all hehehehe.
The next day I met with Ford and his brother King ... they came back and ride through the snow and I started ... DSC00102 was alone but I decided to go down to the park. This time, despite the sun it was much colder than the previous day. Although I met Lola, the dancer, I had to entertain playing in the snow alone that this time was powdery snow, a lot more fun than the former, also had snowed at night, but not used to make ball war DSC00117 jejejeje ... And that was it for this past weekend, I hope your weekend was white as fun as mine, now I leave you with other photos ... Let it Snow

But there's more ... the second part of "my other adventures" below


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