Saturday, February 27, 2010

Plan B And How Long Does Side Effects Last

Chapter 4: Escape

As you know, my friend GAUCHO is the organizer of a strike by our image rights, or so I understand, so that, until the SGAE Bipes and bones get paid-in course, "we put on strike ... that's why I took so long to publish, and also why only will the photos from the past weekend at the end of the post ... While

Therefore I leave you with ... clip_image002 the next installment of "Yogi: The Origins of the Canes."

Yogi In our last chapter had met an intriguing wolfhound had told him many mysteries of the canine world and had been trapped in a cage for a few terrible people ... ... What happens next?

YOGI: The Origins of the Canes

IV) Escape

clip_image004 was totally trapped! He could not escape!

was so sad ... So I lay down, and began to apologize for what I did wrong ... ... The truck suddenly stopped ... And the same men who had kidnapped me, opened the cage door ... But to go out, put me in another box with bars! ... And I took in hand a good time ...

What do they do? What did these two men?

He kept repeating the same questions ...

suddenly stood there ... Apparently we had arrived. Then I noticed a sign at the entrance was the old house that seemed to come ... clip_image006

was a dark image, which showed two extravagant "puppets" of dogs running in terror ... What would that place?

Finally, we ...

Upon arrival, I was surprised that was full of people, active, who was organizing things ...

So I pulled out of the cage, grabbed me by the collar, and I approached a strange whispering machine while some "Well, this is Monte Alto, number ..." ...

Put in Cell 8, there is only the old mongrel who found years ago "...

At the end, unfortunately for me, took a rusty, and very small cage, which put me again ... I was desperate!

A man led me into it, until we reach a door ... He took a sort of metal tool, I do not know it would be, and opened the door ...

Then I went into a scary place ...

A place surrounded by animals miserable, starving, skeletal, in tiny cages in which not even fit ...

Seeing us arrive, began to drop a heartbreaking cries and screams desperate man silenced him with a loud whistle, which blew me

ears ... What was that? A place of torture for the poor innocent animals? Or maybe we exploit to hard labor? Where I had been?!


Then the man opened a door of a cell, I took out of the cage, then get into that another cell ...

Then as I looked at my plate, I said something: ..

"You're lucky, boy, come looking for you" ...

Who would come and get me? How does this man speak? And terrified

shouted out loud:

- Where am I?!

"In the place where the dogs are behaving badly ..." suddenly a voice replied, and was speaking in canine, my language.

I realized that someone was behind me, so I turned around ...

There was a broken figure, bruised and nearly hairless, which gave me back ... I

, very scared, I said ...

-Ho ... hello ...

"Hi-old said with a sad voice and figure, turning around and leaving show their gray hair and blue eyes ...


Then I realized ...

- Ahaha !

"What is it she replied, trying to get up. Dragged some heavy chains!

"You ..." His voice "You're shaking me Ahaahar, right? The dog that disappeared many years ago when he was born ... I just never knew anything more about you ... Are you okay? What is it? What has made you, Ahaha, in recent years? "I said very worried ...

-locked here ... I was also replied with a trembling voice, he rose with difficulty, dragging his chains of iron.

- What is this site? I asked visibly nervous.

-The place to take the dogs when they misbehave, "said the sick mutt repeating the same thing as last time, but when I thought I would not say more, he added, "They catch the dogs with no owner or have run away from home and roam the streets and lock them up here ...

- Forever?!

Yogi ... Is that you? "Was all he said.

"Yes, I am, Ahaha I said leaning on him for comfort ...

-much missed company ... But I am sorry your disgrace ... How did you end up here?

"It's a long story ... I tried to catch a whip, the stray dog \u200b\u200bfor a deal that did ... But here I care about you you ... What has happened? Why are you here?

"I found, like everyone else ..." then hit a deep sigh.

- And no one can escape? Is that harsh punishment?

-Only managed to get out of here with a plate or chip identification ...

"But ... then I could escape ... Why you would not let you free?

-Only managed to get out of here with a plate or chip identification ... "Suddenly, he stuck out a piercing scream - Ahhhhhhh! But those devilish cats! It was stolen ...! Said almost ready to mourn.

- Cats? What cats?! I cried ...

Cats-La Banda, Banda Felina, wandering the city ... These possessed I found when I got lost, and ahhh! -Releasing another piercing shriek, "I took the plate and a bite, I grabbed the chip.

At that time, sought a deep wound in his neck. They steal

necklaces, and teach them to their owner in exchange for jewels, then collect or sell ... Sometimes you are left with necklaces made with precious metals ...

Humans give them what they want, but when they ask for your puppy, they learn who have slammed against a precipice, or been killed in a bite ...

- But you do not ...! I exclaimed.

"I managed to escape ... I do not know if my poor forced owners to give them money. He said as a tear escaped her ...

"No ... I have never heard that ...

- Oh, how glad I am! They were worried about me ...

- Sure! They put posters all over town!

"It saddens me ... I know I can never find me, and I will not make them unhappy ..." was pale, looked like he was going to die ...

- Oh, no, Ahaha! That ever!

Then for the first time, looked me in the face, and stood a while watching ...

"You look a lot like I ..." He closed his eyes.

- do you? Who, Ahaha? "I licked and shook his head.

"The Lord of Bones ...

- I know, I laughed as I have already said, is the second time in one day, I just smile to cheer" But obviously I have no wood hero ... By the way, do you know all these legends?

-Street Knowledge Street Knowledge ... ... I've been learning to Over the years, hearing all these unfortunate creatures, looked at the other cells "But, ahhh, another dry-piercing scream would all this knowledge, to return to reunite with my beloved family, another tear slipped down her cheek.

"Oh, Ahaha ...

then stood watching, as if afraid, and said ...:

- But do not say that! You, you be the one! How do you know that you are not descended from The Twisted Dog Leg ... you like with it, I wonder ...

"But ..." This world needs help ... A Response "Divine" to fix things ... And I think it is time to unearth the mystery ...

I grabbed the leg, he saw that I had completely twisted ...

"I trust you.

- Oh, no, sir! "I said trying to stop him.

Yes ... "Please, sir, I am only a dog that has a deformed leg bent as could be ... A common short-legged mutt.

- No! Never say that! "He paused for a moment, raised his chains, and attempted to approach his cold water and raw bread ... He lay there. "Sometimes what we consider defects, make us special ... "He hit a sip of water, while dragging the chains ... I could hear their noise-Ser ourselves ..." Another sip "Never underestimate for being different, because that's what makes you be yourself, be unique ... You always have to consider ... "Then I pulled a leg to his mouth," Now listen carefully ... "Then I hit a raw-bite of bread I do not have much time," he said letting out a plaintive complaint, then drink again, with difficulty

I will reveal, the Enigma that I discovered in my street so many years ... Nobody has ever solved ... I am sure that you, yes ...

Where the Lost Kingdom is

And Bone see,

Will the bones,

someone else ...

man's best friend,

never be separated,


As for Death,

Separated is ...

And this old riddle test

the saying that says, really ...

- Oh, thank you! "I ecstasy" I'll remember, be sure ... But ..., is there any clue?

-Japan, "said Ahaha squeezing my leg, and estrechándomela-Japan is all I know.

- Oh, thank you! How much to take me out of here, go in search of the West, I promise ... "I hit a lick" Cheer up! Ahaha

smiled ... (On our way, doggy smile.)

I turned around waiting for someone to open the door of the cell ... But then I realized what I had told Ahaha ...

"But you will still be there ...

Ahaha me smile again ... Now at least seemed happy.

"Do not worry," he said with an affectionate tone.

- Of course I care! I will not allow you to stay there alone again! Ahaha

And smile again ...

- I myself will see that my parents take you!

Also, I'm sure you recognize ...

Ahaha ...

still smiling - I can also tell your masters that you're here! Sure! What is not let you stay in this hovel!

- No! Please! Ahaha pleaded ... "That's not my own will become very sad ... He has come my time ...

- Your time? What do you mean? Ahaha, please do not give up! "I said gently biting his ear, in order to" wake up "...

" I do not deserve anyone to worry about me ... The time has come ...

- Ahaha, please!

"No, my boy, what you can do is tell my family not to worry, I'll be right, and hit a deep sigh.

"My life is full of errors ... But you are young, you still have much to do ... You ... I wish you luck ... You ... You have an important ... mission ... to play ... "Then he left eyes, and breathed his last breath.

had died.

I was stunned ... So I started barking with all my strength to warn people ... Then came a man who said

- What the hell is going on here? Dog, shut up! But ... what?! "He realized that he had died ...


But he said:

- Hey, come! A dog has fainted! -But it was something much worse ...

Then came many people to help ... and they

realized that there really was dead ... But the human cruel, humiliating this poor human being, because they did not think anything better, it ... throw it away!

was unbearable! I could not consent to that! But I could not do anything ... that night

slept very little, was very concerned about what the deceased had told me Ahaha, and what might bring me ... Destiny

The desolate place, at night, was even worse, a cemetery ... The dogs howled at the full moon, which looked a bit since the roof had a hole, and never ceased to mourn ...

Suddenly suddenly the doors opened ... and several people came ...

One said: "This is

-pointing, and opening the door to my cage, and now I guess I would play to get into a different ... But to my surprise, others gave me, and when they moved to catch me, the Moonlight lit ... I saw them they were ... my real owners!

The other unknown man spoke

"The dog that accompanied him, died this afternoon ... So, the poor animal was left alone ... Anyway, dogs like having" lands "owned by so sure was glad that the other dog was not, but did not know the true motive, and laughed, at which point I wanted to jump from the arms of my masters, and bite your ass to that idiot ... Maybe Once the dog that saved my life was right ... Humans are like toys ...! The man continued to damned sure Ahaha something told me not to feel sad not because my blood run cold "Anyway," Old Pulgoso "-and had nicknamed the very poor bandits Ahaha, rest in peace-lo am going to kill, thus, nothing happens ... there are many fewer dogs live better ... In fact, it conservative, because he was lucky ... I was old and leave there in peace for two years and in the dogs usually kill within three months ...

"Okay ... Thank you, sir! "Said my stepfather.

- Thank you!

Once the man left, his smile turned to anger ... I was tied with the belt sharply, and took me home pulling up ...

I was very sad and sorry ... When we got home, everyone treated me horribly ... Until his son, brother, I thought I hit a bump on the head, and screamed:

- Bad dog! , Then ran to play ... But what hurt me was that denomination, "DOG", I never been called that ...

I did not play with my friends ... I did not want anything ... Also, the rides were much shorter than which tend, as I drew only two minutes, tied tightly, that it might be a bit of my needs ...

DSC00295 And, of course, besides, I returned to remove the PC ...

But even so, I decided to find out everything possible from my real family ...

Le "I borrowed" false mother to me that the device put human ear to hear some strange noises, and communicate with them because they had pictures, photos,

kept there ... And yes, I found a picture in which I was a puppy, along with my brothers, and my real mom ... I discovered I was born in a village council of Mieres called "died" ... Also, I managed to connect to the Internet by the apparatus of the sounds of my false father, and took a look at the first articles of the blog ... There I have collected all my memories ... Unfortunately, our dog is very short memory and forget things easily ... My true family, was one of the things that was forgotten ... all because of THEM! If I wanted, what brought me here? Why me away from my real home?

found a photo that was in the lobby, Carlos, mommy and daddy together ... Although I was already at home, did not appear in the photo with them ... Then I realized that actually, I was intruding in their lives ... It was only a short-legged that was not even their own kind, was a simple ... dog. Then, strangely enough, a tear slid down my cheek. But nevertheless, I still loved them. It was hard to part of them, but I had no other choice if he wanted something in life ...

had to escape.

So, I came up with a plan.

Having no bag to carry, I decided to take one of my annoying rain coats, to put it on backwards, so that the part that covered the back, covering my belly, where they would get the food they need for a toothbrush (I'm a clean puppy) and the photo of my "dear" owners, who, despite everything, never forget.




Time to take out the trash. It was time. Mother took the bags, and opened the door !

Then I started to run and run, ignoring my own, crying desperate to return. I went downstairs every four steps, as the soul that takes the devil, and, although it was expensive, I got out of the building. Although I was afraid, I was still running, without paying too much attention to the danger.

But, of course ...

I missed.

Yes, it was too sad, I, a possible descendant of our God, it was a dog home that I had no idea of \u200b\u200bwalking alone on the streets. That mysterious dog was right.

getting dark. And I began to be afraid. Only saw shadows pass, and gave me the impression that someone was following me.

did not know what to do. Who socorrería me there?

Until suddenly, a shadow fell upon me, and more and more shadows began to surround me. What had I done?! Where I been?! That shadow

looked at me with a glittering eyes ... I realized that he was licking.

For Twisted Leg!


Now just two more little things, to remind you that you can see the other chapters in:

"Pata Twisted Tales"

and photos of last weekend ... and to agree that If you can read the comments activáis a little story ...

My birthday party and Holas and Parade

Patitas a tod @ s Yogi


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