Saturday, February 20, 2010

Serina Snelling Fotos

Defendiendo la ciencia jurídica…

" ... And justice for all" in DeviantArt

When one looks at PUCP, have the luxury of two years studying various subjects at the School of General Studies in Arts, in which takes courses from theology to mathematics, where he teaches an overview of the various academic fields there and then make a decision about what career to study, as well as increasing general knowledge needed for life. And one of the lessons learned in that time is to be tolerant of different subjects and to appreciate each for its own importance.

few days ago, criticism of a future political scientist me decepcionó y me hizo reflexionar bastante; criticó, en mi opinión erróneamente, a los abogados por su absurdo intento de encerrar la compleja realidad en simples leyes.

Antes que todo aclaremos que la expedición de disposiciones normativas, nótese que no digo “leyes”, es uno de los tantos aspectos básicos del Derecho, puesto que la ciencia jurídica es más compleja. Para empezar, aunque las “leyes” sean las disposiciones normativas más populares no son las únicas. Existen diversos tipos de disposiciones (reglamentos, estatutos, decretos, directivas, constitución, leyes, códigos, contratos, negocios, etc.), distintas a las leyes, que se issued and published daily in all parts of Peru and the world, these have a complex system of hierarchy and implementation. Now, these may include one or more legal rules are the basic elements of the legal system. It also provides that, with loopholes, methods of integration and interpretation of the rules that manage to cover in a satisfactory manner, for if there were a way of interpretation or integration solution specifically for vacuum, we use the general principles of right (justice, equality, etc..) to fix the vacuum. So the science of law is equally complex as reality.

On the other hand, it is true, the law tends to establish standards to all reality. Thus, legal science, as well as the fact that advances in time and space, must also move regulating the new phenomena of reality, temporarily, by the methods of interpretation and integration of standards, asícomo, the application of general principles of law, and permanently, through the issuance of new container arrangements of standards.

A clear example is the DNA test for the recognition of children out of wedlock if the father's denial. Article 402 of the Civil Code up to 5 cases cuales se podía declarar judicialmente la paternidad: admisión del padre; cuando el sujeto por sus actos parece el padre; cuando el padre vivió con la madre durante la concepción; cuando el padre violó, rapto o secuestro a la madre; y cuando se engañe a la madre con una promesa de matrimonio coincidiendo con la concepción. Pero, en el año de 1999, la ley 27048, agrega un sexto caso: la prueba de ADN u otra prueba genética. Observamos que ante el descubrimiento del ADN y el avance de la tecnología genética para realizar las pruebas de parentesco, la ciencia jurídica no permanece inmóvil y genera una nueva norma jurídica que tiene como hecho jurídico, un hecho nuevo de la realidad.

As we can see, the rules of law, properly speaking, tend to regulate reality and that is its dynamic performance. So, for example, the work of a political analyst Alberto Vergara as noted in his book "Neither amnesic nor irrational" is to take photographs of political reality in society and then join several of these, as a video, to see political phenomena dynamically.

Now, as I say in criticism, if the dynamism of legal science is absurd, there should be no law because, according to this erroneous idea, it is impossible to monopolize rule (why talk "Laws" is wrong) all reality because of its complexity, we would be in a "state of nature" in the words of Hobbes, that is, the war of all against all. Is it conceivable today, a reality without rules?

Without law and, above all, no rules, people would fight to death to determine who owns the land, people could not marry or have an inheritance, there would be no trade, there would be moderate punishment for people perpetrate acts against human nature, people could not claim their pay if they were to have a job, finally, and most paradoxical for a political scientist, State rules do not exist. In other words, would a world without rules, total free will and uncontrolled, impossible to live in peace and quiet.

simply a review must be based on valid and truthful arguments. Personally, I love political science and advertising, and, in the same way, respect, not contempt, other branches of knowledge and the various engineering or education. What it is absurd to see that contempt for a branch, which then becomes science, career and profession that has existed almost from the beginning of mankind, and ignorance are bold. Andre Javier Murillo


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