Saturday, March 13, 2010

Colour Rays Fuschia Flash Time

A delivery more ...

Hello friends ... This past weekend, as you know I always go with a few inches days late on my adventures, were cold-winter days does not stop going, but no less fun. This time I decided to do a little video for Daddy avenged last strike and we took pictures right and left. But they also planned to publish a new chapter of "my other great adventure" will relate first step to it and then let the video you promised and the link to the rest of the photos, hope you like the three things ...

Chapter 5: Stories


New delivery story!


Origins Of Canes

V) Stories

clip_image004 - What does a cachorrrito cassero like you in a place like esste frrívolo? ...

One of the shadows spoke with a mellow but haunting voice.

Then I saw his face.

A scar covering his left eye, so that it gave off a strange glow.

And then, a ray of the full moon lit up.

was a cat, black as the darkness of that night, but shining like fire your eye detached.

- Back! "Barked desperate. I had realized who they really-Me you can not! "And walked a few steps.


-Porr. So then do not talk about that ssolo intended mininoss dessdichados ayudarrrrrte!

- I miss that! I bellowed.

"Come with nosotross" continued whispering with his nasty hiss. -Nossotross help you, cachorrrrito.

- Begone!

"I have been told that you prroblemass, right?

- How do you know that?!

- Porr what you would have escaped but cassa with larrgo prrovisiones for a trip? He said looking at my great invention of the coat on backwards.

-Esscucha, puppy, come with nossotrosss. Nossotross querrremos you. Do not prrreocupess for your family. Ellosss you have left. Come, come, and not temasss ... "The other cats began to make me fall back on a huge cliff, full of weeds, which is the place where they live wild cats hated all of my city.

"They do not like you, began chanting in unison all cats - Venn nossotrrros! Veeen! VEEEN!

"Forget your family, and come to live with nosssotrrrosss. "Continued the cat leader - Acasso you have to eat ssu plate? What dorrmirrr in your bed? And you have trrratado verrrdaderamente as one of them? "As a human ...?!

Now that he was aware of the wild, I realized that all the animals had rabies to humans. Everyone said the same thing, and I was realizing, that they were right. I took a step forward, I bent down to the big cats, and firm, said:

"I'm here to serve you, my lord. Now I am one of you.

-Brravo, bravo, my cachorrrito. Perrro, perrmíteme prrresente me. I'm Cat, General of the Cats. He said pointing a cat that had settled on a rock with an air of superiority, is Minino, Colonel, and he, "this time pointing to a cat who moved a few steps toward a majestic feline, is Petty, Captain of the Order Gatuna. All the pobrrres ayudarrr prrretendemos like you, who have no one in life ... - and I put one leg on his shoulder from now on I will nombrrro ... Ahem, perrrdona, I have prrresentado but still do not know your nombrre.

-Yogi, sir.

- Shoggui? Yyyogui? Yyogui nombrre ESSS not for you ... Attention, everyone! "And, with another majestic gesture, lifted his front paws-Starting today," he said putting one foot in shoulder-like celebration of your entrance into the Order, you llamarrás Tino, the Cautious, Lieutenant Gatuna Orrden.

I turned to bow before him, proud of myself.


high. First of all, we must hacerrr something to be a Member of the Orrden ... "and he stroked his beard, then, licking a paw.

- Doing? What should I do, sir?

First of all, you entrregarrr your collarrr as a symbol of your freedom ...

I remembered what I had said Ahaha, and not betray my principles.

"No, I asked no-collar.

-SSSI, small, SSSI, and extended the leg.

- NOOO! - Shouted again.

cats looked at each other with an evil grin, and began to whirl around me saying "SSSI. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

then returned me back to the Great Cliff.


suddenly slipped, and fell! But I clung to my legs to the edge of the ravine. The cat looked at me with a look without compassion, and grabbed me hard with his paws to mine, while, who, with his mouth, trying to take my collar.

"You have want, small Save smiled evilly-y and not back atrásss hajj. Fucking dunce simpleton and innocent! Ja, ja, ja! To siemprrre ... Tino! Ja, ja, ja! Lieutenant, ha! He seemed that he was having a fit of laughter, until suddenly, he calmed down, looked at me with sparkling eyes, and immediately gave me a blow, and I wanted to push into the abyss, but not before that - Venn , ayudarremosss you ... to saltarrr to prrrecipicio!

- And I'm going to help all of you out of here at lightning speed! - A voice of thunder roared.

Then, cats and other cats, watched, amazed, as a huge dog-wolf appeared from the shadows and pounce on them.

All cats were terrified and began bristling as never seen on a cat. They started hitting each other trying to escape, until, eventually ended up tumbling themselves, pulling down the ravine. However, as is easy to guess in a Micho , do not think of anything at all, and I saw how well they fought and insulted from below.

The big dog gave me the leg and helped push me to raise the edge of the precipice that was holding me and my life was hanging by a thread.

"I think this is becoming a habit, small-and began to move while I followed him as he could "Well I told you not, that turned hast done it.

- You!'s You!'s You!

- Yes, I am, but do not have to wake the whole neighborhood to say, small.

- Oh, you're amazing, I first salute Whip, who no longer feared, and now you beat the Cats Dangerous Banda, whom no one has achieved victory! How I can thank you?!

-Going home, small, going home, and started to leave.

"But anything but that, I have an important role to play!

"Listen, small, ...

- Ah, yes," I interrupted, "But first, let's not" small "and" puppy. " My name is Yogi, I ... gui.

"Okay, Yogi, you'll see ...

- What's your name?

-Balto ... My name is Balto.

"Thanks for telling me, is a nice name, and he licked a paw.

He laughed and replied:

- Ah, indeed, a little bird told me you need this ... "he said as he winked at me and showed me, whip the bat!

I was petrified but he laughed again. So, I took the stick and put it in my "wrap backwards", while nodding with thanks.

"I give to Loli, but when I return from my mission. I can not go back. Sorry, Balto.

"But small-seemed to have gone to forget my name" Listen, you want them ... ... Say what you cats ... they love you and are concerned about you. You have to go home.

- Were not you the one who said that humans were monsters who abused animals? "I said to counteract what he had said.

"Look, little ... Yogi, I regret what I said yesterday. I was wrong. You have made me remember that I also had a family.

- You? "You had ever had a family?

- Yes, "sighed deeply.

- Are you left? What happened? Tell me, please, Balto!

"Okay. I will, "This time it was he who hit me a lick" This has to have as a Gamusinos Tale (Cuento de Hadas, for Bipes), but it is my story.

"Once upon a time, far away from here. A remote village on the tip of land where the mountains are mixed with the sky and snow washes the world. There was a dog-wolf whose only dream was to make racing sleds. But not a dog considered suitable for this job. No one wanted to approach him. Thus, increased wandering in the streets of this town called Nome. However, the dog loved children and wanted them to madness. The children played with him when his parents were not as they wanted to stay away from the dog. But this dog always helped the children in everything I could. Maybe a ball is lost in the snow, and he put every effort to comb the area to find it.

One day, a disease swept through the town of Nome, a deadly disease that only affected children but was capable of killing them, was called diphtheria. The medicine to cure them, could only be found across the mountains in a great city that was more than a thousand miles from Nome. The only way to get there in that winter season, which was almost impossible to cross the mountains, was driven by dog \u200b\u200bsleds. It was his only opportunity, but no one accepted for the job, being a dog-wolf. Days and weeks passed, and came to Nome the news that the sled was lost, and the guide dog had broken a leg and was in critical condition. So, the dog-wolf, not lost a second, and began to run and run to where he was the sled, hoping to save them all. Managed to get to where they were, and despite the danger posed by this journey through the mountains, made it to their destination, and return to the town of Nome with medicines to save all children. One day a boy looked into his eyes with a grateful smile, took a medallion from his neck, and put it on the dog-wolf. Medallion that read:

"Balto: Resistance-Fidelity-Intelligence. Kamarata belonging to Bobby. "

that day, not only got an acceptance in society, but I got the most important thing for me: a family. That day, I stopped being a stray dog. "- A tear escaped the eyes of Balto.

- Balto! You're a hero! But ... how did you end up here?

"The God gave me a mission. Protect the world, and ensure the safety of people and life on Earth. The Lord of Bones gave me a heavenly light for me. Created the Aurora Borealis.


If God created the rainbow to Noah, the Lord of Bones made me a present even greater. That would be my home when I call my death door. Would live among the stars, in exchange for not losing my soul. The soul of a dog can be preserved only if you act by others without giving in to selfishness and greed. The Lord of Bones makes a ritual in your honor, and he gives you one of the phenomena of nature. I won one that did not exist before.

- Balto! I ... I'm fascinated! I hope I win an immortal soul!

"Believe it's great. But for me it became a conviction. View my loved ones die one after another, to Bobby, his mother, his friends. So God wants us to live less than people. We can not support see the death of our masters ... And I ... stay alive. But, worst of all is that an object with weight and shape can not be transported by a soul.

- What do you mean?

"I mean ... that my most cherished memory, my only memory of Bobby, can not be taken to heaven with me. Therefore, the Lord of Bones, I promised to keep in a special place in his secret lair, which I do not know about not being chosen to stay on earth in the Lord of Bones and other saints normal.

- That's what you mean that your place is in the stars! But ... you do not have the medallion?

-No ... Unfortunately, no.

-Balto, listen ... Maybe we can recover. I search my origins, and sought the Lord of Bones to tell me the truth. If you are, you will again have the medallion in your legs, even for the last time.

Balto looked me sad:

"I had forgotten what it was to have a family. I had forgotten love. He had even forgotten what it's like a conversation with a friend. Yogi, you have me back the joy and zest for life. You have brought me happiness again. If not for you, continue still in the clouds, not to mention, not even laugh. When I see you, I knew I had to help. Something told me.

I smiled.

"But do not go trusting that I was never any good-natured loving. "He laughed" And see, I'm sorry, but there is no way we can make our dreams come true. Do not know where the Lord of Bones. Sorry.

- see, Balto. When you left ...

- I was locked in the kennel, "he finished" If you ask me why do not you out of there is because I knew that there are only dedicated to lock the dogs that are loose on the streets or have run away from home, and return to their homes. There are no fierce dragon or demon as some think.

"Yeah, we already saw. But there I found an old acquaintance, who one day was lost. He had no collar because cats saved me from it seized. But the fact is that, over the years in street life doggy learned many legends. Among them, heard of a puzzle that reveals the place where dwells the Lord of Bones.

was something like

Where the Lost Kingdom is

And Bone see,

Will the bones,

of someone else ...

man's best friend,

never be separated,

of what the Death

Separated is ...

And this old riddle test

El Said, that tells the truth.

Did you say something?

"No, Yogi, but I think I have restored confidence, and I will go with you. I'll help you find the Lord of Bones. But do not think mother said, laughing.

- Wow! Thanks, Balto! I knew you'd help me! Yay! "I was entranced me.

"But Yogi, just accept to go with you on one condition. Never tell your family does not love you, "she patted his back.

"Okay. Indeed, the same thing I did, well, I gave him the pat on the back foot because they had none.

"But see, where do you think look first? Balto asked me.

"Well, Balto. I found that my family lives in a small town called Mieres council Murias. Do you know where?

"I think so, anyway, we'll find out very happy," said Balto. It was true that he had regained happiness.

"Well. Not even remember my family. I need them back. I need to see them again. I find my true parents. If not, there will always be a hole in my heart. And maybe they help us.

"Okay. Tomorrow morning, we head towards Murias. But first you must sleep. Come to bed. Balto looked

few newspapers scattered on the ground, and deposited it behind some bushes in a park. Balto decided that we would sleep there that night. But no one could see, because we hid in the bushes. That was not the same as spending a night in the kennel. That night, yes, I had my family, but had a friend, someone beside me, giving me heat. I leaned against him, I lay down on his leg, and fell asleep deeply. Balto licked me, and looked at me tenderly. I began to get a great affection.

The next morning, when the dawn began to rise among the mountains that were far away, Balto said gently:

"Come on, sleepyhead. Time to get up. Today we have a long day. I hit a lick on the ear. It was amazing to sleep in the open air, between the stars and waking up also in the open, while the birds sang beautifully in the trees.

I, without thinking twice, I got up. Balto had gotten a bag of worms that he found lying on the floor. So, after breakfast, We both started to walk, we hit the road. While the red sky began to clear, the world began to come alive, and the sun appeared on the horizon ... we were both heading to the adventure. CONTINUE

only remind you that the next installment of YOGI: The Origins of the Canes is essential to the story and also appear in "Pata Twisted Tales "

And now as promised, the video (they are about 6 minutes cachis!): Warm

And all the pictures, which are many, of these two cold days: To warm

you soon friend @ s



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