Friday, March 26, 2010

Ap Bio Cell Respiration Lab Negative Control

The Sixth Spring

This time back at it again ... first the sixth installment of the origins of the dogs, and then a little video with some pictures of my adventures (and my friends ) ... I hope not too much cake and not too ... I Dibujo1 aburráis

YOGI: The Origins of the Canes. The Truth About the Top

In our last installment, Yogi has found back to Balto, the dog that saved his life, and both set off to discover the origins of the Canes. But I, Yogi, I decided to find my real parents. What will we looked to my colleague and me? Certainly not what we expect.

VI) The Truth About the Top

Dibujo2 Horns, horns and flashing were heard everywhere. And people shouting:

- Hey, my turn, crust! Out of my way!

- May I have a hurry! I've been waiting here an hour!

- How to twelve euros? "I are you kidding? This is a scam!

I was scared with such noise and confusion.

- Why do you want to come to this place, Balto?

"Look, given that we are not sure where she died despite all our efforts to get a map, we have not found. It is best to use a place like this.

- Why Balto? "I questioned.

Because here, in these places called "stations" are a lot of cars to carry energy forces forward. No matter what you do not understand that means "energy forces." But look a truck carrying a load up Murias, and we'll get inside.

"Ohhh ..." I said I do not understand much, "But how do you know that truck is going to die?

"Because I'm laughing guessed," said Balto.

Although I did not share your laughter be guessed is a very serious thing ...

-Yogi, would you bring me a stone? Very strict, "said Balto.

- Sure, Balto! Although I do not know you need a stone, "I said surprised.

While I was looking for a beautiful stone, Balto was watching truck after truck, until at last he saw one that interested him. A fat man and tough talk from the window of the truck with the man who carried these "forces of energy" through a long tube and bulk. It was Balto who explained it to me because I was not there, and I said exactly, but I said the conversation between the fat man and the long, thick tube was something like

- Hurry up, man ! I need to get much above the mine to load coal.

"Do not worry, once I finish, sir. Towards that mine is heading?

-I go to "The Carbonerina" Murias mine.

"Great ... Oh, look, sir! That's it! I have enough gas! You can go!

- Okay ... Thanks for the service, even if they were a bit heavy-truck driver said finally, trying to get away, even though the tube man warned him and shouted that he forgot to pay. Balto

could not do anything to stop it.

Luckily, I came once again to cure the situation, with the stone that I had ordered Balto. And look who had taken because he had been looking for the prettiest stone for my friend all Balto, and it was so great that the hard dragging penalties.

But Balto, seeing me, took the stone, without even thanking me for trying so hard to find, and with the mouth, threw the truck before it had even left the station.

- Now's our chance! Balto said, and hid under the truck.

The driver of the truck got very angry and accused the man of the gas station having thrown a rock at his truck. The man refused and the two began to argue. Balto

realized that the truck compartment door was not open, so we could not enter. So we had to wait two minutes for the situation calm down, when the man at the gas station said that he had thought that the noise came from the compartment of the truck.

The driver walked toward him and opened the doors. He looked from side to side and saw nothing. Trucker In an oversight, Balto said, "This is ours" and got into the truck, just before the truck doors shut. He looked angry man at the gas station and hit a cake. He then went to truck driving. And, for those wondering, no, not even paid.

The trip made me, at least to me, quite heavy and long. Trying to sleep, but could not. The meneones truck hit too.

suddenly whispered in my ear Balto:

"I must have reached Murias. We have to get off now. We can not go to the mine.

- And how can we lose now, Balto? I asked, meaning the danger of reaching the mine and all Bipes there had cornered us.

"You just listen and cover your ears as you can," he said. He was silent a moment, then took a breath.

suddenly hit a big howl and wrenching that I felt the ground shake and the sky would fall on us.

Then, we noticed a violent halt, and hear the cries of the truck as he walked down the cab, shouting "But what?!"

few seconds later, the store opened the doors of the truck, but only had time to exclaim "What the hell? , "and see how Balto and I went faster than a rooster crows and we escaped the clutches of running this huge man.

We had one hour visiting the place without seeing anyone, not even a soul, until, suddenly, Balto said, "I smell something

. Come here. "And I run.

I followed as I could.

suddenly stopped Balto, for my joy, I muttered,

- Do you see there? There's an animal. "It was a fox. Seemed to eat something. But suddenly, he seemed to hear us, she put her ears back, and ran legs in heels with their prey.

- Wait, Fox Friend! Do not go! We do not want to hurt you! We ask for your help! We are lost! "Said Balto.

The fox stopped dead, and immediately said:

- Animal Code? Balto

put one foot in the heart and said seriously:

- "We are all equal, are born equal, we live the same, and one day we will part of nature. Like you, brother. "

Animal Code, as I learned in my Great Adventure, is a kind of peace and sworn statement from stray animals, they use to relate to each other in peace, when their intentions are peaceful. Animal Code makes you swear by the Lord of Bones, so you must keep your promise. But back to our story ...

After reciting the oath in the leg in the heart, Balto, spoke thus to the fox.

-Brer Fox, down from the tree, please, we need to talk to you.

- Well, well ... With a couple of dogs lost city in town, huh ...? He said with a sly smile.

"We need to know where we are," I said the fox.

"Well, in Murias, sure," the fox laughed.

-Treat for Brer Fox, "he said quietly Balto must be respected Animal Code-What, then, I do not know what it was. Balto

rose in sight, and turned to go to Fox.

-Brer Fox, do you know the house where my parents live companion? As told me, his father is a strong resemblance to him.

"Please. "Said the fox with his usual mischievous smile," Call me Don Raposu Arteru of Arredrayáu. -And offered a Balto paw.

But Balto, by contrast looked at him and said:

- How ...? "Don Raposu what ...? Balto said made a mess "I would rather call Brer Fox.

"As you wish," said Don Raposu shrank sharply while the leg which had previously stretched and licked.

"Well," Balto starting to get tired, you know where we can find her parents, and he looked at me. Don Raposu

Arteru of Arredrayáu, stood silently at me a moment. Then he said:

"Well, well. I think I know where your parents. You are the son of vagabond and Pearl. The appearance of the rogue is easily distinguishable haha. Especially for that leg crooked, "he said with his usual mischievous smile taunting me. After he calmed down and went on still remember when I gave them all. Truant that day was in a bad mood.

- I was sad because we were taken away? I asked nostalgic.

-Sad, sad, sad to say no. But in a rage. I had not seen more angry in my life. Well, I said. It turns out that just come from that house to get this juicy chicken. , And hit a bite out of that prey in his mouth "You see, from the day you separated from your fathers, has only rogue who desperately seek for. Hired me, in fact, and pointed the finger very proud of himself, to track the entire area to find their children, in exchange for a chicken every day if it fulfilled my job. Of particular penchant for one called Yocki. -And put your head up high, very proud.

- Yogi! "I said excited - you remember me! Have you heard, Balto? Do you remember me! I want! "Now he was beginning to feel like more than a short-legged.

- Where do you live? Balto asked.

"It's easy. See that yellow brick road ...? As in the Wizard of Fox , jo jo. Follow it until the path is split into two paths. Then stand up. To the left is the home of the knave. It's easy, and the road is very short. Do not miss it. "Then he looked at me and said," So you're the famous Yocki. ... Well, your father will be very glad to see you, eh ...? "And I smiled back mischievously. Then he muttered under his breath - Although to me I ran out of chicken gravy, returned to raise the tone of voice, "But, hey, tell a scoundrel of me that morning, special diet, huh? For meet you, that if not for me ... Twelve chickens, huh, that you think? But I say, twenty! Did you say?

- Sure, Mr. Fox! "I told him so happy ...

" Okay, Ciao! "Was the last thing I heard him say the fox before he ran into the bushes and I walked away ...

Balto and I were next to a large but dilapidated cottage. The house was wooden, and he saw several holes in the roof. Around her, all kinds of livestock animals walked eating grass and straw. But to enter the farm, there was a gate. However, this door was of wood, and was broken, which Balto and I had no problems.

Animals that there had not even seen us pass. All spent in front of us as if nothing special happened. Once we got to the house, Balto pushed the door gently, then cutting the hoof and see no one answered.

Upon entering, we find another farm, but tucked inside the house! The chickens running around, plucked, from here to there, the sheep, they settled in the house filthy couches, which were half broken. Cats are boarded windows and the curtains were swaying, scratching and tearing. The latter looked good as they were accustomed to the presence of dogs, and, like others, not even flinch when they saw us. We saw all kinds of animals and living things, less human, and, most importantly, my parents dogs.

So, we crossed to the kitchen, where pots were filled with dirty and messy. But there at last was someone of my kind. I saw a beautiful Pekinese dog, about my size, who looked sad and melancholy to the window.

I approached her and gently said

- Mom?

She turned to face me, and was silent a moment. He seemed surprised. Then he said with a whisper:

- Yogi?

- Yes, I am! I exclaimed.

But she did not answer simply stand up and say: "Follow me. You too, "turning to Balto.

while I was still worried worried:

- Mama, Mama! What is it? I am your son, Yogi!

She recrossed the hall, and left the house. But rather than go ahead and get us off the farm, took us to the barn, saying:

- Fast, escondeos there! I come back! Balto

obeyed, and I followed him, then. Then enter it, as promised. Balto was

which had the following words. He said angrily:

- What's wrong? What after more than three years without him, this is how you greet your son?!


My mother only sighed

- How are you, Yogi, son? "His voice choked. Balto

not seem satisfied with that. So my supposed mother spoke again

- Of course not! I wish I had been running ... a mother, like all the others! Raising my kids, and ... "His voice trailed off. Had

mourn a dog could easily my mother had cried more than any human being.

She managed to take the strength to continue:

"My husband is crazy. Power-mad, crazy with ambition, madman as the most evil. Year after year, I forced him to have a litter of puppies, and then killed them.

I was amazed. Balto shouted

- Why?! How do we know that telling the truth, and that has to do with what I asked?

- Do you know the legend? "She said.

- Bone? I asked, and she nodded "But ... Does that say I am? Am I the descendant of Dog Leg Bent? , Despite all he had said before my mother, so there would be enough reason to mourn, I was captivated by the news that I was the descendant of Lord of Bones ...

"My son," she said - That's why you ought to be more worried than happy ... When you were born, my husband, knave, conducted the usual ritual to see who was elected to get the West, and control the Animal World. As you know, the offspring will have a Twisted Leg, but not twist anyone, so twisted, as the Lord of Bones. One whom to break his leg not emit a scream of pain, and not cracked broken bones, will be chosen. When performing the ritual, you, my son, do not complain, and you were the rogue found he wanted. So, he decided to kidnap you and force you to take up where the West, it is said that the Elect have an instinct that leads them to him, in exchange for not killing you ... You would have to give the West, they're the only one who can take, where it is loaded. So, get him in his legs, and dominate the Animal World.

But I could not let you was damaging my child, neither you nor the rest of my surviving children. Not this time. So that they escape you, I devised a plan. I pretended to be overwhelmed and stressed because of my children. I was going to look like a depression. My owners brought me to the doctor, and he thought it best for me would be that they got rid of my puppies.

So, my family was giving them all, one after another. To you, I was a teacher of my mistress. I watched as you were leaving that day, I saw you were going in a car disappearing in the distance. You, innocent creature had finally managed to save. I had prepared a jerseicito wool and a yo-yo, and let out a groan of despair. "When my husband arrived at lunchtime, it was too late to find you. That day, he did this to me ... I stayed

petrified, seeing as my mother pointed with his paw a long scar that ran through his neck.

"But I'm fine, I just murmured concerned about the happiness of my son, and smiled as he could. Balto

had heard the whole story without saying a word, like me. Addressed her:

-My apologies, madam. I'm terribly sorry. I had no idea of \u200b\u200bits history. I introduce myself: I Balto-extended his leg - and you?

My mother would say when the clock chimes sounded in the distance. His face paled. Seemed to have remembered something.

- Both! He exclaimed - Lunchtime! My husband will soon arrive! "And bent their ears back" After being all morning looking for you, and hunting, is here to give me more food than I've found for him. Come anytime! You must flee! , And stared at us both.

- Follow me! "Barked" We took the barn while we was telling details "For some reason this morning I remembered my children. I had the strange feeling that something special would happen.

took us through of the orchard, and made us jump the fences that surrounded the farm, though I crawled underneath ... We hid behind some bushes in a large meadow wild, outside the home.

We would talk, but suddenly, we heard barking:

- Honey! I'm here! Is dinner ready? I hope so! One moment ... SMELL PUPPY! Who got here, you idiot? Damn insolent dog! How to bring animals into my house without my consent! Stupid!

My mother turned to stare. We were all scared. Even Balto.

My mother spoke to him

-Balto, hurry. See that grove in the distance? Go for it! It's a shortcut! I lose track if you go out there! But above all, do not go down the path of the road, you find right away! Flee! Said terrified and very rushed.

But before we left, walked a few last words to Balto:

-Balto, you're my only hope. At your feet I leave my treasured possession. Please protect it.

"Do not worry, I will. Trust me.

So Balto grabbed my neck like a puppy, and ran, even though I insisted I could walk alone.

But all this was only moments before, that my evil father to return to shout

- I smell! Women's mine! What the hell are you doing behind that bush?!

And suddenly, brushed the bush behind which he hid my mother and my burly father hit him with a vicious bite that left her lying on the floor bleeding, screaming:

- treacherous dog! My puppy! Is running away!

And then, like lightning ran after us with anger and revenge in his eyes. Dibujo3

And finally a little video with my adventures of last weekend ... in which I and my friends were slightly confused would the "Prima Vera" or "Spring" ...


and the rest of the pictures ... Weekend of Prima Vera

Patitas a tod @ s



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