Sunday, January 31, 2010

Myammee Weave Hairstyles

El diluvio en Cusco

When natural disasters occur far from where we live, we often feel outside, but still we are committed to help. However, what happens when a disaster happens near our area and it happens to people we know. Since the earthquake in Ica, Nazca and Pisco, the extreme rainstorm in Cusco is the next test of nature against our nation.

images are bleak and the panorama of Cusco, after the "flood" lived a few days ago. The Sacred Valley of the Incas has been so intense this phenomenon by a la proximidad de los ríos que lo atraviesan. Las vías de recorrido hacia Machu Picchu han sido colapsadas y la región entró en crisis por la cantidad de turistas varados en la población de Aguas Calientes (lamentablemente, la prensa aprovechó esto para generar controversia y escándalo como siempre).

De esta dolorosa experiencia es importante recalcar la solidaridad que existe en el Perú. La hermandad entre peruanos existe y esta reflejada en el deseo de ayudar desde distintos puntos de nuestro país. Los puntos de apoyo cada día se incrementan y se agradece todo gesto de solidaridad con nuestros paisanos.

Yo vivo desde hace un tiempo temporalmente entre Cusco y Lima. Hasta hace poco I was in Cusco, just before the flood, unfortunately, for study had to leave for Lima on 17 January in which I am obliged to stay until 24 February. Fortunately, from here you can be aware of everything that is happening thanks to the Internet (thanking @ markopunk for excellent visual coverage on Twitter) and television (the distortions were unfortunate, but all in all it was reported).

My feelings are of anger and pride, a somewhat strange mix. Anger at having to be away from my town just when I need and unable to escape from the capital, and pride as from Lima also feels the support provided a mi ciudad y a mis paisanos. Estoy enterado de dos eventos benéficos para apoyar a los damnificados: uno en Lima y otro en Cusco.

El primer evento es un concierto de música llamado “Que levante la mano la guitarra…” , éste se realizará en el Teatro Municipal de Cusco, el día 4 de febrero, y la entrada son 10 soles o elementos de primera necesidad equivalentes. (Evento en Facebook) . El segundo evento es una actividad artística variada llamada “Cusco sí se siente en Lima” , ésta se realizara en el parque Kennedy, el día 6 de febrero, y se recibirán donaciones como agua, artículos de higiene personal, herramientas (Shovels and picks), canned goods (urgently), specific foods for infants and children, blankets, warm clothes, buckets, tents, kitchen utensils (pots, plates, cutlery, small kitchens, etc..) Among other things. (Event on Facebook) .

Between my father and mother have family farms in Lamay, Cochahuasi (animal sanctuary) , Yucay and Mollepata. Unfortunately two of them misfortune struck the ground, in Lamay, as my uncle has Papin, the crops are destroyed and Cochahuasi, a cage where they were foxes (which were fortunately rescued) has been destroyed and the wooden bridges have collapsed.

This is further evidence of our country, our people, our people. No choice but to get over this sharp fall, my grandfather, my father, a civil engineer specializing in hydrology, is found in several review committees of civil defense infrastructure in Cusco, I will work with the Lima event in Kennedy Park Miraflores. At present, Cusco, the historical capital of Peru, needs our help in any way. Support our brothers Cuzco ...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hous Stoven, Autoimmune Disease

Odyssey and ... ... St. Anthony

Although I spent a few days ago, I celebrate my special "Day of Peace San Anton ", with a little poem I found out there ...


passed the dog at my side. A poor dog breed, one of those street
blood and poor picture.

born anywhere in sad puppy, skinny,
for eating garbage from place to place.
From small, so thin and agile child,
baloncitos plush, warm-wing smears,
them out in the sun, they sing.
In older, as was their grace,
the left to his own fate, begging from house to house,
their hunger in the corners and thirst on the ponds.
And sad eyes have that look hidden, as
if she put her pain at half mast,
and die of sadness in the shadow of a wall
if a link does not give them an early death.
I call all ears ... scared, all Hociquito curious
all thirst, hunger and nostalgia.
The dog hears my voice, smell my words as if expecting or fearing
bread, affection or stones.
Not for nothing is marked with a bad memory in his paw.
they call back ... gentle, half forward,
wagging his tail and ears in fear porridge.
I say, come here, do not do anything, let's see,
and goodbye to distrust, and lies at my feet, howling with cute
speaks, barks to talk louder,
jump, turn, turn, jump, cry and laugh, laugh and cry
tongue, ears, eyes, legs and tail is a tireless
range of words.
is a joy so great that rather than talking to me sing. What stone
let you hurt? Known to curse the stones
hard stone that shattered his leg, and he
his tail is thanking me pity.

But do not worry, no longer has to miss you all, I am also
street, though in different places, and my leg
lame and sad I go from day to day,
stones I shot wound the soul left me ....

(Do click on the link if you want to see full: Fuente, Manuel Benítez Carrasco)

And my little postscript ...

As we are dogs, not toys

. But


And honor is rendered,

By giving us real affection,

and offers us freedom.

We are your best friend,

always faithful

Whatever happens,

And we give you peace.

is not fair, that

For so faithfully, we are rewarded

So much fun with


Happy Peace Day of San Anton, doggy friends!

And now my weekend adventure ...

Hello again everyone


... Always in our lives, things happen to us, some good and some not so, A short and some very, very long, the latter are often called "Odyssey."

2009-12-28 13.54.42 Odyssey is an example of which their Majesties took PPMM, that is, the Magi from the East Perrine, bringing dad's car, and that Japan were caught in passing, that this is the beginning of East ...

also relatively recently, tod @ s suffer the beautiful "Cold and Sec White-Washed by Mom Nature" that says my Santa Sandra particular, that is, a cold water wash and "dry" that gave us "Mommy Nature "at the beginning of the year. At that time the Odyssey was not the snow itself, but walking through it, but it was fun right?. Bipes not good for some, and from here, I wish that Bipes Toy, Small and Mimo recover soon, their mishaps with ice hidden under the snow .... Another

Odyssey was when that precious white blanket began to leave, then came the mud Odyssey, not that I dislike mud fights, but we must recognize that a very dirty out there, then 'bath when I get home and maybe a small brawl dirty mom to return home ...

But there are other part of the Odyssey magical and the weather ... DSC00137 For example, last weekend we were playing, especially Loli and Snowy, when Tommy came and called us all that we meet around him, he had bad news to us ... DSC00142 We could not believe it! ... Our friend Moon, Beagle, had gone home!. The following went very goofy a trail of those who excite us both times ... And from Thursday until it appeared, was with his direct and Bipes Odyssey with his searching. Thankfully ended well.

Then we find Ulysses was a bit embarrassed and sad ... DSC00143 I think he was looking for her "Penelope", not the "Cross" (lol) in the park. When we meet him greet you as good friends but you must believe that we were Perrifemos of one canine or Pirrénas we wanted to prevent their return to home and we took little notice, like the legend perrigriega ....

the afternoon everything seemed to have returned to normal but none of that ... That was another Odyssey, Jungle seemed not because she was waiting with his two new siblings DSC00152 ... But because between them got together about 14 peers who went crazy for our Bipes who did not know where to look for as many as we were and ran ... DSC00164 DSC00162 Some eventually exhausted from misdoing

But otr @ s still had wanted to play till the end, when almost no DSC00195 looked ...

Anyway, we had a very sabadito Odyssey, or at least I thought so.

I leave the pictures of that day A Braco ...

Sunday was a quiet day without many friends, you might punished for soiling the day before ... DSC00007 I first met a little king, King, who was tied to prevent escape and DSC00014 Moon ... And in the evening to a small empress, Julia, the French Bulldog dynasty ... we pay homage to , As is well worth a queen, Pepa and me ... DSC00018 but what we gave him was the carrot of the coronation, we'll take us and the people are sometimes leaves something Perrublicana "I jejejeje

let the pics from the day of Reyes

See you soon @ s friend, you have a good weekend!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bluetooth With A Jump Drive

late Let it Snow ...

Hello again: We're already well
year and that, although we did not have a white Christmas, as you said my friend Sandra from Seattle, Mother Nature has done a good washing with little water cold ... yeah, it snowed and great entertainment.
all started on Friday, but very slightly and it seemed that everything was going to happen without many setbacks to normal life. Well, everything changed overnight, and leaving on Saturday morning ... DSC00010 GUAUU! everything had changed and although the snow was cold was a totally new situation for me ... especially because as you will see in the picture: The neighborhood was for us, very few Bipes ventured out of their houses and no adventurer ventured out in those contraptions that give me so scared and usually run over defenseless animals and quite often distracted.
not thought to see many friends but ...
Who approached me with the good snow day? Looked like someone who came directly from Noel Perrin and ... DSC00015 Loli that was accompanied by Otto told me that everything was white ...
not accompanied us to the park down, but Otto and I were determined to inaugurate the newly fallen snow in our park, and nothing better than a fight snowball .... Hilarious! DSC00037 Then came our friend Nana, as if nobody knew it, he wanted to take all the snow for her hidden in his legs ... DSC00054 thought the "Snow Queen", but BIPE and I realized forced to leave all that was stored ... DSC00059

After that we went home, but then we saw the real Snowman. And while carrying an umbrella all knew that this was not going to prevent snow remain ...
But we could not stay long with him. Although my legs were not too cold, if the rest of the body was shaking, plus dad wanted to go home for breakfast, always comes in fast on the very silly.

Then Daddy was proposed as the other children Montecerrao Bipes and use the time to make new snowmen and ... your right this is what came out and, jijijijiji, standing only lasted long enough to take the picture ... see that daddy is not sure of equilibria in the snow, and that it boasts skiing quite well, at least when young.
DSC00093 the afternoon, as you see in the picture above, and we were more friends and play with our Bipes a nice ball war ... we won the puppies because they were white boys at all hehehehe.
The next day I met with Ford and his brother King ... they came back and ride through the snow and I started ... DSC00102 was alone but I decided to go down to the park. This time, despite the sun it was much colder than the previous day. Although I met Lola, the dancer, I had to entertain playing in the snow alone that this time was powdery snow, a lot more fun than the former, also had snowed at night, but not used to make ball war DSC00117 jejejeje ... And that was it for this past weekend, I hope your weekend was white as fun as mine, now I leave you with other photos ... Let it Snow

But there's more ... the second part of "my other adventures" below

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ski Patrol Movie Quotes

Lluvia y La Oveja Negra

was January 8, 2010, evening in Cuzco, the typical rain fell while walking batch by Huaynapata with my friend Adriana Arce headed for the Black Sheep. In it we stopped to take some photos with the background parade and she said something that made me think a lot ... "we Javi Cuzco." That phrase was loaded with a lot of sense, meaning and pride, and the rain so typical of Cusco, in comparison to the capital, reinforcing their meaning. Our

was determined. We were going to a bit of Cusco, a traditional little hole, I knew thanks to my father and Ricardo Castro, a friend of my father from school, with whom my father always reminds me in diapers. However, what is the Black Sheep? From my view is more than a bar in a corner of Cusco from San Cristobal and Plaza de Armas, is an exhibition of poetry and song where they play trova music of Peru and Cusco, a familiar place where you can chat, take and, of course, listen to good music.

This time, we went to listen with some friends, guitar and voice of Jorge Millones, who did not listen since August last year, when I met recently in his music. This evening was complete: Canto America, Seven lives, When I was a crazy dream and Procedures Sandcastle. Like their other songs that do not yet know all that well, but they are excellent.

Among the letters that were heard a phrase a long time got me thinking: "the stone city, where he slips in the rain," obviously referring to our dear Cusco. One, being in Lima almost year round and being in Cusco, it feels weird when you return and that brings me to another phrase you hear "I feel more and more foreign to this place." I would define the ballad as sung poetry, imagine adding to this feeling and heritage of a city like Cusco: that's the Black Sheep.

When it comes to Cusco there are sites that are unforgivable, that is, that in any case you should visit: Machu Picchu, Qorikancha, Sacsayhuaman, Kenko, etc.. Among others, we Ayllu (unfortunately in a new location), the Inka Museum, the cathedral, the Society of Jesus, etc.. I would add to the black sheep as one of the unforgivable. I therefore recommend to anyone who loves ballad music that is in Cusco is a little walk by Arco Iris and go to enjoy good music Peruvian and Cuzco.

This family bar has recently completed 10 years of existence, I congratulate and wish him every success with Ricardo and Estela are my contacts there, who appreciate it because, as I mentioned, Ricardo and Estela saw me in diapers, and among the few people who remember, Ms. Estela still tells me the nickname that I earned through my grandfather Alipio: Pipo.

Thus, Cusco is more, has people and have feelings that are impossible to compare. Despite the distance, absence and tears from heaven when a Cuzco goes, always remember where you came from, the origin. Be Cuzco, again, I'm happy and I'm proud. Because it's always good to get wet in the rain ...