Monday, February 7, 2011

Will Nail Grow Back After Fungus?


Good morning!

first thing to apologize for my absence here, but as I said many times, I have time penalties. Those who know me a bit know that I like to have time to answer all your comments and visitaos, and lately I can not. I'm turning into one of those bloggers blog with a bit impersonal as I like. As I do not want to get to that point, begin to update less and only when you see that I have more time for you.

These weeks are busy. Tomorrow I have a photo shoot as a stylist for a magazine (I explain shortly), with Lara on Thursday photos, video next Tuesday for Bimba & Lola and starts on Friday and Cibeles. So you see, I do not stop, which is otherwise very very positive!

* I'm sorry for Not Being around a lot Lately. I Do not Have That Much time and I will love to visit all of you. I'll update Only When I Have Time For It But I Have These looots of interesting projects weeks.

Indeed, we did a story on bloggers. We can see here . So we are, neither more nor less.

Besos xx


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