Sunday, February 27, 2011

Abdominal Pain Caused Bypatent Foramen Ovale

outfit again

How your weekend? The mine has been a lot of fun. I deserved it after playing Cibeles but today put the batteries back to the projects.

ago enough that I do a post and checked outfit is who are you most like and I turn to it.

* How Was Your Weekend? mine was great But now I've to focus on my projects again. Here You Have an outfit post again!

Jacket / Jacket: Primark
Vestido / Dress: Forever21
Shoes / Shoes: Zara
Purse / Bag: old

PD: Thanks to new followers, we are almost 1000. We will have to do something special when we reach that figure?
* Thanks to the new followers, We Are Almost 1000. Im planning something special for that!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

.ipa To .jar Converter

No more Cibeles.

After a week here I am again. I am alive but just barely. Cibeles kills.

Many thanks to all who have come to visit these days and I have made the week more enjoyable. The usual: Clara, Sue, Piter, Laura, Mai ..., the usual de Cibeles: Paula, Patri, Rebecca, Mary Joseph, Esther and Sandra. And all who have come to know: Sara vintage collage, girls crazy about your clothes, Stephanie with two heels (thanks for the badge!), Etc.

But above all, thank all those who have no blog and you have come to greet me. It may sound silly but you know the illusion that someone comes to tell you he likes your blog. Especially since lately I ask whether I keep this up.

Someone told me before yesterday, I expected it to be much more edge and because the blog would not look it. Thanks by your sincerity, try to get better, you see no edge! jajaja

* Madrid fashion week is over. Thank's god! You CAN NOT imagine how tired I am after this week. I want to thank all the bloggers That Came to see me These Days.

Party In Yo Dona Esther Rebekah and

My lunch ...

Time fake hahahaha

Ants in the stand

Kisses Xx

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Wife Got A Brazilian Wax


Thanks for the encouragement you give me the work. You know that things connected to the university I can not even teach. Neither the publisher to Miau Magazine (which of course is running great) until it is published. So, for now I leave you with some photos that we love for the profession, with my friend Camilla as a model, I wanted to repeat an exercise in self-styling we had to do for class. Hope you like.

* Thank u so much for all Being interested in. my projects. Some of them I cant show you yet, so here you are some pics we did with my friend Camila as an exercise of auto styling. Hope you like it!

Camila Silveira


Erea Louro

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Swag Window Window Treatments (how To Make)


Here you have a preview of the new spring / summer Nonapapallona .
handmade clothing, original and above at unbeatable prices. What more could you want? Hope you like it and if you have any questions contactéis with Marina which is the nice person in this world! You can view your collection in facebook.

* Here You Have Nonapapallona's s / s collection. Hope you like it!
PS: Anyone have a greyhound ? (Madrid) The need for a video! Besos xx

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Best Tires For Silverado Ss

Flaming flea market II

Last Saturday we had the pleasure of returning to attend the market held by Demodes Vintage. Gradually becoming a tradition and I hope it stays that way because it is the perfect day to meet, do things good shopping and delicious snack. Thank you very much to host super Rosana it increasingly Curran.

And thanks to my dear Lorenzo, Pablo, Clara and Lucy that I got for my birthday a "Gift demodiano" I invested in a beautiful dress:)

* Last saturday we Had the chance to go to the second flea market by Demodes Vintage. It Was as perfect as usual. Thanks to Rosa!

photos of Clare and Sue

Would you join the next flaming market?

Kisses Xx

Monday, February 7, 2011

Will Nail Grow Back After Fungus?


Good morning!

first thing to apologize for my absence here, but as I said many times, I have time penalties. Those who know me a bit know that I like to have time to answer all your comments and visitaos, and lately I can not. I'm turning into one of those bloggers blog with a bit impersonal as I like. As I do not want to get to that point, begin to update less and only when you see that I have more time for you.

These weeks are busy. Tomorrow I have a photo shoot as a stylist for a magazine (I explain shortly), with Lara on Thursday photos, video next Tuesday for Bimba & Lola and starts on Friday and Cibeles. So you see, I do not stop, which is otherwise very very positive!

* I'm sorry for Not Being around a lot Lately. I Do not Have That Much time and I will love to visit all of you. I'll update Only When I Have Time For It But I Have These looots of interesting projects weeks.

Indeed, we did a story on bloggers. We can see here . So we are, neither more nor less.

Besos xx

Friday, February 4, 2011

Crazy Designed Wrestling Singlets For Sale

Know what my secret formula: take care of my grammar more than my label.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Serina Snelling Forum


already told you that on Saturday met with a few bloggers (and friends) to celebrate my birthday and Sue ...

A lack of decent photos what better than a video so that you laugh a bit about us?
And for lack of words, with the horrible day I've been, what better than to plagiarize the post he has done Lucia while we were in class if she already explained all divinely?

"I had thought out some scenes and subtitles to Piter (spoken in Andalusia) but both Erea and I have thought that what pa (Erea because they like the real thing and I'm pretty vague because, as you Might already know).

As you see, it looked like a cheap wedding: The Three Pillars of Madrid restaurant (great relationship "quality" - price) is the perfect place to celebrate your blogger convention. The gardens of the museum brought this super out. Of course, the indigestion is also guaranteed ... sorry, I meant the fun, what was I thinking? You pay 15 euros and open bar of sangria, beer and tapas varied: Erea recommended chopitos, I prefer croquettes and garlic potatoes. The English tortilla is a little boring, but is offset because the squid are like balls of salt. Seriously, after doing the Homer food critic, I highly recommend this lovely "restaurant." The service is excellent, takes a charming Portuguese marriage and treat us like kings (mostly because we're going to Clara, who is the Godfather, and when he gets to kiss his ring joint). The glasses are never empty, and table dishes are always full of greasy dishes, but delicious.


C / Hartzenbusch 8, Madrid

Average price: 15 € "

Via: Frivolous Philosopher