Friday, June 4, 2010

Samplechurch Constitution

not a magazine, is not an association, is a family ... ... never forget Salesian

Since joining the Faculty of Law at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru saw that within it performed a series of activities other than classes, among them were the associations commonly given the popular name of "Magazines", in view of the most important end product of each.

At first I was not interested in any magazine since decided to devote myself fully to study the courses they took in the cycle, however, and now decided to take the important decision to join one of availability of time after Faculty accommodate the study and also to take advantage of opportunities that gives you a University like mine.

So I decided to join a magazine as a practice before I wanted to learn and collaborate on the development of a Law Review. But there was one doubt which association apply? This goes without saying that the Law School of my university there as 9 or 10 magazines of various specific issues and some multiple topics.

In all, I chose the Association Academic Forum for the quality of people within it. I've had testimony from people who have been and are still in that magazine, who told me that "love" for the Legal Forum Magazine and I commented positively about the "family" you get to be in this magazine. Likewise, among all, is the best, in my opinion, since it does not force you to sell magazines and tickets to events as if you were a street vendor, there are several specialized committees that make you spend your committee fully support the other where possible. In short, for me, by far the best magazine of my alma mater.

is an important feature to highlight the multidisciplinary content of the magazine which makes at least one item to be interesting for any reader. I confess to have all the numbers available, which contain articles that I have provided additional support for work left in the various courses of my career.

recently followed the call process Cycle 2010-1 and I appreciate the opportunity I was granted the Association Academic Forum. I turned one of the first goals of my career, but I've only crossed the door and now I have to walk the path ahead. I joined the committee of publications, exactly what is responsible for the publication of the magazine: the final product. Now to work ...



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