Sunday, June 6, 2010

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The Goodbye ... I could never give

Since I live in Lima always lurked a deep fear. Unfortunately last week, this general fear was a real fact that he hoped not to go so soon: My father with great serenity in his words with me in the morning of May 31 my grandmother Elena was gone forever.

My grandmother Elena Flores Ochoa had Alzheimer's disease which made not remember many of their relatives, friends and many stages of life. So much so that all the time, which granted his respectable old lady of the sunshine of an afternoon at the mansion Cuzco San Andrés, crying with a loud sobs she asked parents.

remember very clearly the last memory I have of my "grandfather" Elena before his illness: "It was a sunny day in Cusco, Ruchi my aunt had called me the day before because my grandmother Elena had expressly asked specifically its Javier grandson accompany her to pay bills and collect their pension, why as she was the one who inspired more love and trust, when I went to his house located at the intersection of San Andrés, Kuychipunko and Puente Rosario to pick. I remember we went from side to side from the center of the city payable and receivable, when he finally spoke, he invited me and we ate together around Salta in D'Onofrio ice cream shop on Avenida Sol

After this, his mind began to deteriorate and gradually was losing his memory was forgotten everything: their grandchildren, their sons and daughters, brothers and sisters ... I get to the point of not remembering what he had done in the previous minutes and ask questions that had already asked, finally, and did not talk much and all were whispering the words "Where's my mom? Is my dad? ".

Finally, the fear of being away when a loved one has gone out for the first time, early morning with tears and with a very bad day at the university. Happened, she went and is now in a better place with her husband and my grandfather, Alipio; with their parents ... finally happy, I'm sure.

simply telling these lines, as the title, "Adios" I could never give as much about his illness as my distance in the moments of muerte.

Abuelita: ¡Sé que te vas a un lugar mejor! Que porfin podrás reposar junto a tus seres queridos a quien tanto querías volver a ver en los últimos instantes de vida que tuviste, Alipio y tus papis te están esperando allá, tenlo por seguro. Ten la seguridad de que nos dejas con mucha calma y paz de saber que estarás mejor donde estás. Y quiero que sepas que a inicio de este año yo pude preveer que te nos ibas, que nos dejabas, que eran tus últimos instantes aquí y por eso cuando fue la última vez que nos despedimos este año en persona mi sollozo no pudo ser contenido. Sin embargo, creí que Dios me permitiría volver para darte el “adios” final, but He willed it differently and you went ahead of schedule. Sabina would say, Grandma, "This goodbye, do not make up this" goodbye ". We'll meet again, I'm sure, but when the time and in eternity ... Goodbye Grandma, rest in peace.


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