Saturday, May 8, 2010

Portable Digital Tv With Coaxial

There is no better way to start these lines thankful for the support and trust placed in me by the 199 Law students who voted for me PUCP. To them and all students of the Faculty promise hold the office of representative base in a responsible and helpful in achieving the cloister a transcendent event that marks the history of our institution in a positive way.

However, I must explain the reason for the title of these lines. "The candidate picturesque" is how I have called the campaign Cloister House, Caesar combines, a Fellow of the Faculty of Social Sciences, I quote for not avoiding the truth:

"I am happy to know that there are excellent candidates that will allow our faculty hold flag in EXCELLENCE . There are also picturesque candidates are inevitable. As is the case Javier Murillo has interesting proposals, but still limping left foot. ¿Desamericanizar y desanglosajonizar el plan de estudios? No sé que tanto pueda sumar a nuestros egresados que cada día más se involucran en temas corporativos, administrativos y económicos. La enseñanza de Derecho en EE.UU. y sobretodo en Inglaterra, no me parece mala… pero bueno, soy un humilde antropólogo hablando generalidades.” ( La Combi de Combina )

Saludo que compañeros de otras facultades cercanas to law, both thematically and geographically in the same PUCP, is interested in a particular and important topic for our faculty. However, a negative tick a candidate and even suggest that he is mistaken, not understanding or knowledge of the subject, nor have any support for them is unforgivable. Criticism is always welcome, but must be relevant and sustained criticism. However, I have to clarify three of my proposals that appear to have created "controversy" by the way I express them in campaign:

1. "Anti-Americanization and managerial approach of the curriculum."

1.1. ”Contra la Americanización”.
El Derecho peruano tiene su base en la tradición jurídica romano-germánica (en adelante, europea); así como los aspectos propios del derecho indiano y el hispano traído con la colonia española en el siglo XVI; de la misma manera, también cuenta con rezagos de derecho republicano ubicado temporalmente a partir de 1821 hacia años posteriores.

Actualmente, el legislador peruano que ha regulado nuestro Derecho Civil, logrando producir en 1984 nuestro Código Civil (defectuoso, pero al fin y al cabo vigente), ha recogido el modelo Europeo, de base romano-germánica; específicamente, tomando como modelo el Código Italiano de 1942, con un método de imitación por admiración. Esto se traduce incluso en nuestro ordenamiento y sus características (sistema abstracto de normas escritas y jerarquizadas, resolución de conflictos por los jueces, fuente de Derecho más importante en la ley, etc.)

Un Derecho totalmente distinto al nuestro es aquel que proviene de la tradición jurídica común o anglosajona (common law) que tiene un ordenamiento distinto y distintas características (sistema concreto de normas consuetudinarias, fuente de Derecho más importante es la jurisprudencia, resolución de conflictos por un jurado, etc.). Son ejemplos de esta tradición the legal system the United States or England.

The questions are can we education law legal tradition of common law in a country of European historical tradition? Can it be that legal education in a country that has a judiciary and thousands of lawyers rooted in European tradition? Can it be that legal education in a country that has a legal system (constitution, laws, decrees, regulations, proclamations, resolutions, etc..) European model?

In my opinion, and that of many teachers and Leysse Rómulo León Morales, the answer is NO. Just because our social environment is different from the U.S., as we have a different story that keeps us from imitating a model so different and because our system (in particular, standards and legal practitioners) is historically and currently Romano-Germanic tradition (European).

An example of "Americanization" in the teaching of law in Peru is in the curriculum University of Applied Sciences . It is clearly seen that the structure of civil law is "Property", "Contracts" and "Torts" (Property, Contracts and Liability), there are courses in law Anglosajón, tres cursos de destreza legal y son casi inexistentes los cursos de Teoría General del Derecho como Filosofía, Sociología e Investigación. Incluso casi inexistentes cursos de Derecho Constitucional y Penal.

1.2. ”Contra la Empresalización”.
Nuestro plan de estudios esta caracterizado por sus múltiples disciplinas dentro del Derecho como Derecho Civil, Tributario, Ambiental, Constitucional, Administrativo, Laboral, Internacional, Mercantil, Penal, Procesal, Teoría General del Derecho, entre muchos otros.

Esto hace que el perfil del egresado de la carrera de Derecho en la PUCP tenga an overview of all branches of the law allowing it to be a good criterion to select your specialty, that combined with the system of core courses and electives lot of our plan allows each student generated forms his career in the program Undergraduate according to the choice of these electives.

Then, the questions are can we impose a specialty in the undergraduate program through the elimination of electives? Can we force the students graduating with a definite and unique specialty in the undergraduate program through the unique approach to curriculum? Can we change the curriculum to graduate a single model focused on corporate law, economic, corporate and commercial?

Similarly, in my opinion, the answer is NO. Since each student should begin to form their specialty in the undergraduate program, preserving and compulsory basic courses and specialized as electives. Because career goals and majors are not uniform (trial attorney, investigator, judge, prosecutor, expert, working in NGOs, working in the public sector, etc.. And sub-branches of the law mentioned above).

find examples of "managerial approach" in Peru the curriculum University of Applied Sciences and plan Pacific University. Clearly shows the prominence of those plans courses of economic, corporate, commercial, corporate, and business. And the short option of specializing in elective courses.

2. "The lack of infrastructure and the Law Library"

2.1. Lack of infrastructure.
Any student of law knows that the lack of infrastructure is a real and urgent problem in our Faculty . There are courses in which to study or to send exams to students of law to the halls of Arts and Humanities (H), Multi (Z), Social Sciences (J), General Studies Science (E) and Arts (L), and finally, CEPREPUC (P). Which is unfair because the Law School, one of the oldest and most important of the University, is currently suffering an excessive overcrowding. Given that what I proposed is a revision of our flag of Law (D) for a possible vertical expansion.

2.2. The Law Library.
This is a new project that I project in mind, in any case know from a previous similar proposal. It is to create a library of law, similar style to the Social Library. The project would involve the orderly storage of books and law journals, which would facilitate the acquisition of new books of law to implement the new Library, etc., and implement a space intended for reading and group work cubicles. Even, especially, one might think of a space to court to simulate the development of legal skills courses and strife in the Dugout Bar.

As you know, the nomination is made only to a committee, however, as in the campaign EE.GG.LL. Faculty Council where remain as first accesitario proceed to convey my proposals to the committee who enter have to put aside, as the ideas for improving the Faculty Senate's primary purpose is what counts.

Overcoming this little misunderstanding (I hope). I dedicate the rest of the lines to a more personal issue and on this campaign. It was a great experience in which I could see more issues of political strategy and focus group, not counting the effort and care that must be put into a campaign, which is faster. In truth, I thank the members of Consistency University who have supported me a lot emotionally in this campaign, Nuria Allemant especially that ran with me. And congratulations to the elected representatives in the Senate Plenary 2010 in general.

I must confess that is a weird feeling to see how your friends are rushing to embrace yours over to see the long awaited outcome of a process that takes days or weeks are the results of a vote in which you participate; and receive a positive result so unexpected, totally different from what you had anticipated, is something even more rewarding.

However, this and this result would not have been possible if it had the great support that students have given me their vote. This charge goes you and for you.


Javier Murillo Chavez

List PuntoEdu the full faculty



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