Monday, May 10, 2010

How Much San Francisco To Maine Cost By Plane

going from 9

First of all one thousand and one apologies to tod @ s ... Two reasons for this, for taking so long to post here and not write, not read - in your posts but, although it seems very trite apology is that Dad is very busy and tired as usual, the famous AEAT and work, so I hardly have left the PC for mine ... Anyway that

This time it goes again ...

3 finesde-multiple of 9 - without writing, the last weekend, which was a day 9 - and the ninth chapter of my other stories ... I'll start with this and then I will upload the photos, turn the comments if you want to know something else, all these days ... I hope you know forgive the length of the post, my delay and my silences unwanted .



And nine ...

In which I discover what the true intentions of Johny ...

Quebrantapiedras IX) The Law of Human


The huge machine stopped snakehead dry. seemed we had arrived. Suddenly, men entered the room where we were locked. There were about four or five. They took our boxes, and removed without any delicacy of where we were locked before.

Outside, more men were waiting. But in greater numbers. This time it was about ten or twelve. Again pile into that kind of miniature trains and miniature homeless, and took us well for a while. Soon after, he stopped, and we returned to catch. This time we got into the trunk of a huge car. I was puzzled. But Balto told me not to fear. We were there, caged for about two hours.

So I could feel the car also stopped, and some strong men men men took us a few minutes. I watched as we approached, a huge impressive building, bigger than what I had seen in my life, though not much.


cross an endless garden, and finally entered the fortress. There was all very dark. Our cages placed in a large empty room, forming a long line, on top of other boxes. Another ten or twelve men, wearing military uniform, came to where we were, and they were also in front row to cells, to see that something strange does not happen, and we are not escaping.

Once everything was in order, those humans, put his hand on his head, as if they were soldiers, and shouted: "Lord."

when I saw that a dark shadow would appear from the blackness. He looked like a man, but with deer head, due to excessive antlers, the size of an elephant's trunk, or even more. That horrified me.

The stag-headed man was moving about the room, watching each of the animals that were there, and giving orders to his faithful servants. Commands such as:

"Too much hair. Córtaselo. Too skinny. Too fat. Castrale. I want him in the circus. Sell \u200b\u200bit to the company TIGER TRAINING. Get rid of him. I want it for breakfast. "

I said firmly, and inspired fear.

orders were strange. He did not understand what he meant on occasion. In addition, it said in a human language that I had never heard before, but we understand dogs all languages \u200b\u200bon Earth, whether human or animal. We have a sixth sense for these things.

At that time, I was thinking where I was, and what was the man the dialect used in speaking. Was I thinking about these things when I realized that the deer-headed man, had come to where I was, and looked at me with piercing eyes. Then I pointed a finger, and ordered: "He

. Love him. Bring him to dinner. Now, "and walked away.

Oh, no! Oh, me! Why had to be me?! I wanted to eat me! What would I do now?

But Balto whispered in my ear:

"Do not worry. I will save you.

And when the men opened the doors of the cage, Balto pounced on them. But men were more rapid, and nailed a kind of syringe, which left him lying on the floor. Not open his eyes.


champion "laughed the Damned" How do you feel like, eh? The dream that you are having now, I sit very, very well. You'll see when you wake up and see if you learn to behave, with ten lashes that requires love for the dog who disobeys his orders ja ja ja.

Oh, Balto! What have you done? My faithful friend! At that time, it was me who swore that he had saved him, and Lazzi, and if necessary, all the animals who were victims of those humans.

Men led me to another room, where the man was headed deer. Now at last I could see it clearly. Johny was Quebrantapiedras! That crazy, eccentric millionaire who had seen portrayed in the newspaper! Murderer!

His allies came up to me where he was, and I deposited in the extensive table in front of him. Johnny was sitting in a plush chair in front of me and said:

"Hi, puppy. Now you're in Japan. I introduce myself. I am the famous Johnny Quebrantapiedras. And you will be called from now Tokobetsu Na. Means "special." You see, I'm speaking English, because you are not from here, right?

The man spoke to me as if I were to answer. Noticed a tone of mockery in it. As if I thought I did not understand what I was saying. But ... what struck me at that time was ... Japan! So what we got. We had arrived! Anyway, I was confused, because ... Well, I had heard that the Chinese had a nasty habit of eating dogs, but also the Japanese ... "" I retreated a few steps.

Despite their cruelty, it appeared that Quebrantapiedras wanted to harm me, at least at that time. The table was full of juicy food, and made my mouth water. Johny Quebrantapiedras invited me to lunch.

"Come on, Tokobetsu Na, eat. Come!

Although I hated him with all my strength, and would not accede to his request, I ended up accepting. Did not eat anything much.

I shamelessly eating all that was there: Apples, Pasta, Salads, Eggs ...


Also try this delicious stew of meat, "he said Johnny, as I approached with his plump hand plate.

I sniffed. And I was watching intently without eating. There was something in this dish that I liked. Was he poisoned? No! It could not be!

"I thought you'd realize," said the flamboyant multimillionaire "As to this dish is a dead dog stew.

I was petrified. The man was a Cantropófago!

- You know, Tokobetsu? That's what I do with pets that disappointed me stared at me.

I did not call me or Tokobatsu Tokobeso! I was a Yogi, and he had no right to change my name.

- Well, "continued the man, I'm sure you," I touched my nose gently-not disappointed me. For your own good. You see, Tokobetsu Na. I have big plans for you. Like I have with that traitor of Chimanire No. Never was a bloody dog, as I wanted. Was calm and quiet. Did not even know to kill a rabbit, the days we went out hunting. But I hope you do, "laughed treacherously" Anyway, the plans I have for you, are not related to hunting, and violence. But to know to look as good puppy jo jo "What the hell did he mean?" Well, Tokobetsu. Tomorrow night, I have a major conference: "Small Animal Heart." Ha ha.

A meeting with charitable causes, to protect animals. Everyone present, an animal will have recovered. For example, a wild boar that were about to hunt down poachers. Even I, the host, I must also do so. The animals that have accompanied you on your journey on the train, are, at least most, endangered animals. Take all those animals to the meeting, and will tell all who are there, that I saved from certain death. All talk for hours about nonsense about animal rights, and she smiled at the end of the meeting, all this I give these precious endangered animals to those who have saved me, "could not contain his Since laughter think I will take you to a safe place, "continued laughing non-stop" Imagine, Tokobetsu Na. I'll get rich. These animals are very well priced. Especially their skins. Of course, I'll be the best part. For example, I've always liked collecting heads, ha ha ha. And the hands of gorillas, which will bring me safe, I also love.

I was terrified. Was very scared man. He seemed to notice.

- What, Tokobetsu? Am I afraid? Oh, no! Is this horrible horns? "He sweetly stroked" Do not worry, I saw the enormous antlers are removed and deposited on one side of the table, "You see, Tokobetsu? No problem! Look, Tokobetsu. With the money it raises from selling the fur or fangs these animals, I'll build a museum of stuffed animals in my hometown, Murias! Is not it wonderful? And best of all, people hoped that these museums are due to my famous excuse: "Because of human greed in a few years, the stuffed animals here have ceased to exist. It is my duty, therefore, dissecting at least one copy of each species, so that future generations can look at them, "continued laughing nonstop.

The man was crazy!

"Well, Tokobetsu. You will be my representative at the meeting. Your funny face and figure, many people will participate in the meeting, and you know what that means: More animals and money for me was definitely a sick "But for people to attend. You also have to give sentence. Do you mind if I grind my men to stick tomorrow morning and will make a scar red hot fire? Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ... "laughed like a madman, I will say that was because of your previous owner because the animal abuse, and I saved you. So, people grieve with you and participate in the Conference. Oh, lovely! But do not worry, the only time in your life that suffer most. Then I will make you beloved pet, forever. And live like a king the rest of your life. What do you say to that, eh? Oh, heavens! I wish I had found before! You should have traveled with me in the carriage of passengers, and not in the car, freight and cargo, was silent a moment. After ecstatic "said Ha ha ha ha! Thanks to you I'll make gold Her eyes shone "Well, tomorrow we will travel to the train station, and will hold the meeting at the statue of Big Dog.

Is Big Dog? What do you mean?

"Well, my dear Tokobetsu Na. Come with me, I want to show you something.

I took the neck, put on his antlers, and we started walking. He took me to a gigantic hall, where there a bed full of amenities. Seemed to her room. Made me look for the living room wall. What I saw made me want to mourn enter.

What I saw were heads of animals everywhere, decorating the wall. Gorilla hands adorned the shelves. Bed blankets were bearskin, he told me, the head of the bed was elephant ivory, the pillow had peacock feathers in its sheath.

- Do you like, Tokobetsu? Hope you like it, because it will be from now on your new home! But if you liked this, you'll love what you see now.

me out of the room, and a small door, we left the arrived home and garden. Over there, we went through some bushes. Suddenly, Johnny Quebrantapiedras stood before a large rock.

shouted: "Open, Sesame!" And opened the rock in half. Johnny came in with me. I was scared. But, upon entering, I could see that behind the rock, lay a guardian of Quebrantapiedras.

"Hello, Animarutoreña. How are you? "He said dryly.

"Well, sir, very well.

"I want you to prepare a run.

"Now, sir. I will tell others.

"Well," said Johny Quebrantapiedras Tokobetsu addressing me-not worry about the trick of the rock. Was false. But I want to keep this place secret, until it completely perfect. What you are about to witness is an invention unique, special, and unique, invented by me, by reference to the popular English holiday. When this show comes to light, people will die to go to him and I'll get a few million yen. Ha ha. I'm sure will be a success, especially in China. They like dead dogs.

But what he meant to do? "Another crazy even more than cooking a poor innocent puppy?

walked along a sandy soil and land, like that of a circus. This place was an enclosed, roughly circular. The ceiling was very high, and was made of branches, so you could get the odd ray of sunshine. We got into a kind of steps, and we sat in the center. Moments later, the guardian before we had opened the door, came out with several other men, and ten dogs. Humans wore outlandish costumes. The same guard had a cloak of red, I think he wore another human being elongated spiked clubs, and another came with a big horse blindfolded. Of course, I did not see the eyes, but the horse seemed sad. At least I gave that impression.

- Well, Lord Quebrantapiedras! What dog prefers to be sacrificed? Your choice I leave! Johny

Quebrantapiedras shouted

"I want to be sacrificed the dog from the center, the fifth.

Then I realized that the dog's heart was Balto. They had been there to sacrifice, those damn!

started barking to rectify Quebrantapiedras Johny.

- Oh! But what's wrong, Tokobetsu? Do not like the dog in the middle? I see that I follow the game! Well, that is because the next door is also sturdy and valid for the run! Johny

had chosen a brown dog like a bulldog but twice as big and fat. It seemed to Quebrantapiedras, only instead of being a person, was a dog.

Animarutoreña, guardian, ordered the remaining dogs were returned to their cages, and let the big dog in the center of the square.

- Well, a Bulldog, a dog-Toro, best suited for bullfighting, Dog!

The guard, who wore very luxurious, was placed on the opposite end of the plaza, and launched a sort of cry while shaking his red cape, so that the bulldog came to him. The bulldog did. Pounced on him, and I was dodging the guard. He did so for a while.

Then the man on the horse picked up those sticks with spikes of which I have spoken before, and fell on the poor dog. He was nailing some of the suits, which made him bleed as he could.

The poor dog, and just barely crawled across the floor, howling with pain that only I understand.

The guard was wearing luxurious, slowly approached the dog, pulled out a knife, and stabbed in the heart. The dog spat out the guard with his spit, and threw his last groan.

The Guardian, mercilessly tore an ear, and threw it to Johny Quebrantapiedras. Then he bowed to him.

- Bravo, bravo! Did you like, Tokobetsu? I want that dog for dinner last week with Tokobetsu! Tomorrow dine out!

"As you command, my lord. So I will tell the cooks.

"Well, Tokobetsu, let's go. We have already seen enough. But do not forget. Better tomorrow hopeless people, or your fate will be that stupid dog, or worse. Who knows, perhaps crush you as I do ... with rocks! Ja ja ja ...

soil picked up a rock and made it become powder. Each time I was more afraid. And now I understand his nickname.

When we left the room, we strolled through the garden for a few minutes, and then Quebrantapiedras Johny took me to my cage. Way there, I was stroking his neck and realized that he had a collar.

- Oh ...! So my little Tokobetsu Na has an owner! Yogi says here ... ...? Bah! "He abruptly pulled the collar and threw him to the ground You are my Tokobetsu Na, and nobody will deny it! Learn to live without that devilish collar! You will be in front of your cage! And if you do not learn to ignore it, and forget your former owner, your punishment will be terrible! Damn dog!

and stormed the room.

All guards are gone and left us alone. It was night and we had to sleep.

I realized that in the cage that was below me, was Lazzi. That night I could finally rest easy, knowing she was safe.

Balto was in my own cage, although I have not noticed I was thinking Lazzi, and I said a word, but expressing all his gratitude by her loving voice: "Thank


I smiled.

"Well. You saved me two times. Now I only need once again to settle the debt.

However, I had assigned myself a mission. There was no animal, would be imprisoned. Before the slaughter that had prepared him mad millionaire, all run away from there.

CONTINUED ... And as promised, pictures of my last three

late ... The first ... Pool enjoy a small pool that appeared in the park, well some more than others. Daddies end decided it was better to have it covered so that the water was more warm arf, arf, arf ...

The second ... The Dog Day Workers and cold

In the third and last things I have only the 9-Sunday, because on Saturday it rained and rained and rained incessantly, and yet the evening of 9 was one of the most fun I remember because everyone wanted to play with me why is it ? ...

I leave the photos On 9 to carry forth your conclusions arf, arf, arf ...

A patiabrazo a tod @ s



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