Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kennel Size Limit Dog Growth

Chapter seven from the Kennel

Yes friends, this Semanita've been dog-retirement, with the permission of the very daddy-pigeon left without ml of tourism to eat the marrow of the bones and other delicacies, and, frankly, is I feel pretty good ...

The Kennel mimes have given me enough and I've played with so many new friends that I missed the sightseeing tour of daddy ... well, me given time to write a new chapter of The Origins of the dogs that I leave then ...

Seventh YOGI delivery: The Origins of the Canes


Well, after the melodrama that I have planted in the previous release ... Here comes a comic delivery that I hope you have fun. I'm sorry about last time, but the real events that happened to me is fact and can not be changed ... But ..., do you believe if I tell you the last chapter I had to censor anything that you may not too impressed .

Patitas, and enjoy this episode, I hope, make you laugh.

VII) Heading to Japan ... not a fox befriended


- Come back here! Damn pigs! - my father terribly shouted in a rage.

Balto ran and ran, but my father at his heels.

The sketch. We were approaching.


But ... oh, no! What was that? A large branches, hid the entrance. If not frenábamos, crash into the branches and fall, against the stream beneath it! Balto

had realized. But we could not stop, we went too fast.

So, he decided to do something crazy. He said:

-Yogi, hold tight.

was ready to jump the branches. But if not dodged the burly trees that were there, could be crushed in one of them.

then jumped!

climbed I could see more than thirteen twisted legs (more or less "eight feet "or" eight feet "for Bipes they are reading) high, and we landed neatly on the floor.

My father suffered the same fate. His eyes saw only hatred and vengeance, and no notice of those branches. So hit them, and fell in the creek that was growing beneath.

Balto and I could hear a splash, and assumed what had happened. So we started walking briskly while searching for the exit.

Everything in the forest was gloomy and dark.

All animals we saw there were birds and bats, yellow eyes peering through threatening. The wind was heard strongly, and spirits seemed to be begging calls.

Suddenly, amid so much darkness, we saw a small light was out! We were saved. My mom was right. Then, we ran towards it.

Upon leaving, we saw a small yellow brick road in the form of costs, leading to the central plaza of the village of Murias.

Balto and I, we set down.

"Incredible," he repeated indignantly Balto "You'll see your father friendly, eager to see him, and he tries to kill you, or worse, kidnap . That abuser does not deserve any respect. Poor your mother! Hopefully we get to be free of this fool.

I did not speak, just listen, I was too sad and disappointed. And terrified.

When we get down the road, Balto I spoke again

"Stay here. I'll see if I get something to eat for two.

I began to wait on the mat in a bakery. Suddenly, a mischievous voice seemed to speak:

"Good morning, puppy Yocki. What with Daddy ...?

tried not to listen. But in the end I turned around and saw the fox with which we had been talking before.


was a skinny appearance. He looked unkempt and dirty, his hair disheveled. It was a dark orange and red, but the dirt that covered it made it look more brown than it was. Was uploaded to the sheet of pastry and looked at me with his usual sly smile.

I looked sad, without a word. He got out of the tent and snuggled up to me:

- Oh ...! But ... what is the long face? Well, well. Do not worry, there's nothing that a good cake can not heal ... You see that lady? "And I told the saleswoman what was inside the bakery. She was fat and look serious. "Well, she is very good ... I give you all the pie you want. I love dogs! Go, go there and cheer! Glue a few more barking to realize your presence! -And gave me a pat on my shoulder (if I have it).

And I, silly me, I trusted him and I listened. I went into the bakery, and asked in my language kindly to the pastry a little cake to eat. She looked at me and was silent a moment. He was leaning against the wall corner where he had his broom, and once had in hand, began to scream and chase. I ran as I could, but she pursued, and did not seem happy, until a broom, I launched into a dustbin.

sore and bruised I went around trying to take away all the junk that was in the body, including a banana skin on the head.

Then the fox looked angry. At that time he had used to put away more than a dozen pies in record time, taking advantage of the good lady was not in the pastry shop.

Now he was walking happily, above a set of blocks, choosing the most acidic, taking advantage of the clueless guy was talking with the ice cream next door.

Fox realized I was watching and said

- What ...? You have to survive somehow ... Jo jo ... even if it means sacrificing a brother to live for you, "he said wryly. "Sure, why not move the tail and all your pals do, eh? -And looked at me scornfully.

I went without moving.

"By the way, you want an apple? You cool, I'm sure!

and was ready to throw it at me in the face, for the sake of fun and make fun of me, when suddenly, someone grabbed his tail and left him suspended in the air ... It was Balto! He released her and Don Raposu fell. Balto looked contemptuously and put a claw on top.

- You! He cried - not touch my friend! "He said threatened him with his other claw.

- Yooo? Mocking the fox said, trying to defend - never! Do not you going to do anything! -Balto was squeezing the grip on his neck. The fox swallowed - For the Animal Code! We are all equal, are born equal, we live the same, and one day the natuglaleza paglte Segles. Like you, heglmano! Favogl Pogled not hurt me!

Balto looked at him without pity. However, loosened the sails, so the fox could talk better.

"Okay, okay. But to let you live, you have to be our help, "said Balto pretending to be interesting before the fox.

- Help! Sure! I'll do whatever you want. I bring food for a week!

"It's not that, Zorro. We want you to help us find the place where lie the bones of someone else.

- What? Cried the fox.

- We want you to help us find the Lost City of the West! "I explained myself.

- Ah, things dog, huh?! But ... let me explain you one thing ... no ... I am ... a ... dog ... do you understand? I do not know where the horn is Ciudad Perdida, or the deli!

- But we just want to take us to the place where he is!, We find out where is the place! "I looked at him with pleading eyes We do not want to carry it to the Lost City, but the place where it is, you know?

- Do you know the site where the Lost City lies? Why do not you tell me? Balto-was surprised.

"I forgot-I was ashamed.

-Well, and where is it? "Finished the fox.

In Japan, and showed a triumphant smile.

- How Japan?! Balto-was furious - Want to go to Japan?!

"Well ..." I did not know why I said it.

- Do you know where is that?! "Went Balto.

"Not sure ... but close!

"This is the problem of a dog home ... or do not know the world has ever faced him. He is used to call those things that humans call "car" at the feet of his master. "Balto sighed, then smiled faintly, which ended in another sigh of resignation.

"Well, we cooking something up, and get into a truck, like we did last time, remember? "I tried to calm the situation somewhat.

- Japan is so far out that they one hundred trucks could carry us there!

-Oh ... "There. You can now search for the wily fox Don Roposu Artartu or whatever-Balto solution seemed desperate.

- Hey, hey, kids! "Said the fox was no longer restrained by Balto-Not all is lost. I said I can help with your mischievous smile, and in an attempt to taunt the dog, wagging his tail began to parody the elegant tail wagging.

But, suddenly hit a huge howl rent the air.

A wet set looked to the sky. It was a wake-up call.

"Nothing, nothing," he apologized "Your friend the fox, and Balto-I looked a bit sore left tail hehe. Nothing important.

"Well, and what's your brilliant solution? "Balto was angry.

"Easy. Agile

rose to the shelves in a drugstore, and picked up a newspaper.

"It's news-paper," That opened the Japanese billionaire and organizer of hundreds of lectures on animal welfare has come to Johny Quebrantapiedras Murias, to publicize their new conference on endangered animals, "Small Animal Heart."

- What do you mean?

"I mean," and laughed, yes, viciously, that after giving speeches all over Spain on the project "Small Animal Heart", and wander through the village, although he has lived his entire life in Japan he will depart this afternoon from this small village where he was born, the land of the Akitas , Japan, which is precisely ... where you want to go.

Then we pointed with his foot as a picture of Johny Quebrantapiedras that appeared in the newspaper.

The photo depicted a fat man, and pink. Showed a kind of evil laugh. You could see some big teeth, dirty and yellow. But more importantly, his whole body was dressed ... animal skins! wore a white coat of bearskin. It was adorned with peacock tails in the back.

In your head, you could see he had a turban type of snake skin, filled with raccoon tails and eagle feathers. Above him, wearing deer antlers, as an ornament.

"Do not worry," the fox suddenly "Everything is false leads. Solo is a fan of animals haha.

"I hope so," said Balto, who first appeared stunned by the eccentricity and extravagance of the man.

"Well, we'll help you come to Japan in the Quebrantapiedras car, right?" I asked myself.

"Of course, of course ... but ... I need stuff ... You know ... stuff ..." and he made a strange gesture with his fingers. The coward

was blackmailing us. But we had no choice but to pay attention.

"Okay," Balto-Ten was cranky.

He handed a bag of worms that had been achieved.

"No, no, no. I do not want worms vulgar, I want ... pasta, and again made the same gesture.

"Okay. Here, "Balto was grumpy, but he had no choice but to extend a bag of cooked macaroni and a piece of pizza.

- Oh, pasta, I love pasta, I love pasta! "Don Raposu was swallowing the whole piece of pizza without chewing.

Minutes later, once it had gobbled up the whole piece and ate some macaroni, he spoke again.

"Okay, now I want ... done. Jo-jo and repeated the gesture that I do not know yet what it means.

But Balto did not seem very willing to follow the game.

He asked me to leave my coat inside out, and took out different things, including food was cooked. The Lord is Arredrayáu Arteru of mouth watered, but what was his surprise when he chose Balto all those things, moving brush (electric) and that Fox had never seen. Balto Don Raposu caught, caught him again with a claw, and launched a toothbrush that turned and turned, and made an infernal noise. For the fox was a torture machine. So he began to shout:

- right! All right! Talk! Talk!

passed a few seconds for the fox were endless, and Balto let go.

At that time, Don Raposu Arteru of Arredrayáu, regained his swagger, he stood and began to speak:

"Okay. Okay. I'll take you to the place where the great snakes that make noise, carrying hundreds of passengers tireless.

smiled maliciously.

- off! "Fox began to walk.

Balto and I looked at each other, we did not know what that meant, or whether it was another of his dirty jokes, but we decided to follow ...

walked for hours. We passed through forests and caves, mountains and mountains, of which the fox spoke as "great shortcuts"

... I'll never forget the time we had to cross that river ...

- Hey, folks, I'm afraid we'll have to cross ... "cried Don Raposu.

- The river?! Are you crazy?! "Balto was blown away.

"Do not worry, hehe. Do what I did.

Suddenly, he climbed a tree, bit a small branch with its sharp teeth and uprooted. He threw into the river, and jumped on it. In another leap, had managed to cross the stream. Balto

ripped a huge branch, and, though insecure, threw the River. Grabbed my neck and we got to it. Stumbling, but finally managed to reach the other shore. Of course, I did not leave that warm and dry. Casting was soaked and water jets.

While little could soon see a positive way, "nothing" was the word that described what we now see it that way. So, to try to entertain as we continued our journey, I began to think of words starting with "p" after the name of my species, "dog."

But even that did cheer me up. I just came out negative words. First I thought "Wicked" then "Spike", and in the word "perfidious". And other words that you can not mention. It was terrible. Now I realize that there are much nicer words, that day could not see, such as "Peace", "Pan", the same "positive", "Provo" and even "Perfect", which still do not know what it means, but I'll find out.

I was with these matters, when suddenly the fox away a large shrub that we could see nothing, turned around and said,

- Mieres Welcome!

I looked down, then we in a small mountain, and I saw the accustomed movement in the city in which I had always lived. Engine noise, beeps, screams of people ... That, indeed, was the city.

"Well," said Balto, "and now, how can we go to Japan? Where is that Johny Quebrantapiedras?

"Easy, boy. Quiet ... From here, the path is simple. You will not need to accompany you.

- How? Do we leave, cheat animal? "Balto was about to get the toothbrush.

"Do not neglect. Relax. I will watch from up here until I see you meteis in the right place, "laughed" As bajéis of this mountain, you will have to cross the street. Once you do, you will find before you a large maroon building. Arregláoslas to enter. Do whatever you please. Your head is not as hollow as it seems, and tapped me on the head, to see how it sounded. Then he continued "Once you enter there, you will have entered the station. There you will meet with crowds of noisy, giant snakes, and human passengers waiting to board them. You will have to choose the biggest snake of all. Red. Is that clear? Questions? "No one said" Come on, it largándoos id. That snake will lead you to Japan. He lowered his voice "But you have no idea what awaits you there, returned to upload - Farewell, comrades! "We went Staying within.

"And this is one of the occasions on which tests the cunning of Zorro, and Don Raposu Arredrayáu Arteru of the most cunning of foxes. That will be a lesson to others! With foxes we must be careful! These fools just a journey of no return ... ... to death! Lol!

But although very clever, unfortunate Don Raposu, she had noticed a dark figure that had been moving slightly little. The figure took his neck in a surprise attack and threw to the ground.

- Idiot! And now how can I get into the train without being discovered? You promised you'd bring to me, and only you got you can not catch up yet! Moron!

He started to squeeze his paw on the neck, and stab him with their sharp nails in it.

few drops of blood splashed on a nearby tree trunk.

"Well, Balto. Do you have a plan to get there?

Balto and I were standing at the entrance to the garnet-colored building that we had talked about the fox.

-No Balto know, was thoughtful-you humor me, and I winked.

A girl in a trolley car approached her wrist with his father and mother to the building.

-Cógele lánzasela wrist and that gentleman with a beard of the case quickly, "said Balto.

- What? Who? Why?

- You do what you say!

"Okay ...

With a swift gesture, she grabbed the girl's wrist and threw it in the face of man with beard and a briefcase that I had said Balto.

The girl started screaming, "My mumeca! My mumeca! My Bie-Bar! Bie-Bar! "

was amazing but that" innocent buck "was launched against the man who had his beloved doll Bie-Bar, and began to pull his beard.

- "Tu me as bobado! Ladon! Ladon! Your bobado as me! Give me back my Bie-Bar! Ladon!

But the man, trying to defend himself, what he did was start gluing Suitcase left and right, so pulse gave all who were in the building. So the two ladies who were at the reception, had to go to calm the situation, but were also child victims and their bad mood, I was going berserk at every passer by.

In less than two minutes in that room had made a fuss that I had not been able to build in a day.

- Now! Balto said.

And we both went very decent in the building, no one stopped us.

Seconds later a huge dog came into the place.

The situation had calmed down a bit, so a charge realized the presence of the dog, and, after combing a little, he addressed him.

- Hey, dog! Fush, Fush! Long! Go away! - said while moving the arm.

But he had no time to say much more because the dog gave a loud roar, and rushed at her.

Then Balto and I strolled through the cafeteria, looking for those snakes.

Then, we noticed the presence of glass doors. Decided to move.

Indeed, following them, we were in a kind of snake parking outdoors. These things were enormous machines elongated and made noise emitting "Chucu-chucu-chucu-chucu-chu-chu-chu." I remembered having seen in some movies of my fake parents in these movies Cowboys, Indians, deserts, or as they call it "the American West." Both

, Balto and I were a bit confused, not knowing distinguish red. But at last we stopped before a huge machine that we felt the greatest.

Unlike others, it was triangular shaped door, and could only be entered by the back, which had a kind of lid that opened and closed. Should belong to Johnny Quebrantapiedras. At best, that Johnny was so eccentric Quebrantapiedras even wanted to have a type of "Snakes special", different from the others. The lid was

covered with leopard skin, orange with black spots. At that time, was open, and the "Snake" ready to go.

Well, "said Balto-On three, jump to the machine, right?

One, two, and ....

CONTINUED ... I hope you liked it, paws for tod @ s



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