Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Dog Ate A Temazepam

Purposes and eighth

Hello friends ... First

apologize for the delay but these weeks Dad was very busy with the famous AEAT and helping my cousin BIPE Cala in computer things, so I could not use the latter for what really Nevermind ... my adventures.

The fact is that much free time I have left time for many things such as writing the next installment of "Tales Twisted Leg, "which will let you immediately and then at the end of the post, write a brief account of these last 2

late ... And I said ... My adventure



In this chapter, Yogi (ie, me) meets a very special little friend ... Enjoy!

VIII) Lazzi


- Three ! - shouted Balto.

But, Suddenly, before we had time to jump, men appeared behind us and locked us in a box. Then we suddenly thrown into the snake.

Then with a bang, the big door closed leopard skin. A few moments later, they open it, and put another animal, which I could not see well. Close the gate.

Everything was dark and silent. Within minutes, the snake started to crawl. Balto

could take no more ...

- Damn! That stupid fox has deceived us! We do not travel any human being, let alone a millionaire like that Johny Quebrantapiedras! There are only dust and lots of boxes that carry some gossip rags and old store!

"You're wrong. This train also carries living beings like yourselves.

A beautiful dog poked his little face was hidden behind one of the boxes. He seemed sad. Was neglected and dusty, but his eyes captivated me.

Her hair was soft and silky, golden yellow color. His eyes were an amazing blue color. Her pink ears were the most beautiful thing in my life have I seen ...

And his eyes ... it was a look that produce insecurity, but love at a time ... never felt that for one, was not a simple attraction like many I've had in my life ... That was a feeling more transcendent, but I can not explain, because even I understand ...

Without having realized, that car, dirty and old, had come alive, and say which had been lit.

All animals and creatures that were there, began to poke their snouts through the bars, and, indeed, a flock of fireflies was throwing light everywhere!

animals began to move and talk to each other.

- Incredible! Who has done this? "I said, visibly worried, seeing them locked up like us.



small rodents got out of his cage and approached me ...

With his index finger pointed to the wall of that room, and I saw an enormous hand-painted box. The man in that picture wearing a white coat of bearskin. The coat was decorated with peacock tails in the back. In the head, was wearing a turban snakeskin, trimmed with raccoon tails and eagle feathers. On the turban, carrying a large deer antler. Yes, no doubt, was the man in the picture that Don Raposu had taught us. But why would make a great fan of such animals evil with them?

- The Great Master! The Human! The Human-Deer! He is the Master! He has done this! "The strange rodent was pointing his finger to the man.

- He'll kill us! Shouted one of the mice.

Then they all started to scream desperate.

- But before you kill him, we'll kill us! Cried the tallest of which seemed to be the boss. Other repeated in unison:

- Yes, kill him before we kill us!

and they seemed willing to jump through a hole in the machine so that would be crushed by the wheels of it.

- Silence! Lemi, nobody is going to die here!

The dog that had captured me had spoken, and did it in a way that inspired real respect.

- I've survived more than three years as he could, and escaping from worse trouble than this! We will not die! I have to deal with all of you here, and I assure you escape!

- But how? "Shouted one of the mice, which seemed to be called" Lemine "as heard of it.

- Easy, "cried a little Beaver hyper-With my sharp teeth, gnawing the cell in which I am to run, and when it is free, will do the same with all your pens! "and went away to bite vigorously bars.

- No! That will not work! I want everyone to have a precise organization. Escaped. "Let me

daring, but would like to know how. A handful of smallish animals like you could not against an army of human beings, not even against two "said Balto interrupting the conversation.

"You shut up," she said The big dogs are all just as arrogant. But barking dog, his bite, and leave the brain is needed here, not force. Balto

seemed hurt in their pride, but to me, this girl seemed conquer.

- What's your name? "I could not help saying.

-Lazzi. Lazzi. My name is Lazzi.

-Yogi "I said.

I kept quiet. I did not know what to do. Soon after I added

"It's a nice name. I mean ... Lazzi is a beautiful name.

She said nothing. It did not seem willing to start a conversation, and Balto not seem to want help.

So I had to speak again:

- Why are you have been locked up here? Where is your mother and your father? Do not have owners? They would have to help!

Lazzi began to sob silently. I thought the dim light of the fireflies was fading.

"Sorry, Lazzi. I did not mean to make you feel sad ...

"No, no ... It was you ... I have no family.

"You mean ... you do not have owners ... or you have no father or mother? Nobody loves you care ... not a kiss for the night to sleep.

"I never knew my father. And my mother died.

"Sorry," I said I wish you had a house of your host human.

- Human? Do not mention humans! Beings are cruel and ruthless, vicious and brutal, with no feelings or heart!

- Why? What did you human?

- What they did to me? You have no idea! "And he turned.

- Please! I cried, "Do not be angry! Sometimes we need someone to desahogarnos ... Tell me what happened to you ... How did you get here ... please.


"I was born in Russia. Yes, it may seem incredible, but it is. I grew up in the cold streets the city of Moscow. My mother was the one who always took care of me when she was a puppy. It's been a long time. I remember that one day, I spotted a child playing with a balloon. I remember that caught my attention, and ran and ran after him. Suddenly, a man appeared sleek, all dressed with a large black coat. The boy saw him and ran to him. I approached. The boy begged his father to take me home. His father did not seem very willing, but finally agreed. However, at that time, my mother appeared. He realized that I wanted to kidnap, and ran to defend myself. Grabbed my neck and began to walk. The child began to howl and mourn, crying and begging her father to do something to stop my mother. His father said he did not want dogs in his home. So this spoiled child, whimsical, lunged at me and started to shock me to come back. My mother could not resist any longer and bit the child. And he made a scene even more. His father could not let that dog do him that his son, so he grabbed his knife, and wounded in the neck to my mom. She only wanted to defend myself!.

It was too late. That bloodthirsty man, had killed my mother. Neck caught me and took me with them. They took me home, Spain. I was there with them for a year. The boy played with me and seemed to love me. Gradually, I was forgetting my true past, and was turning me into a domesticated dog who loved their human owners, and believed one of them.

One day the boy took a stick and began to beat me up, just for fun. I put up with so few months. Every evening, after arriving from those things which are called "schools" where it is assumed, are taught to be "human", was about to hit me and mistreat me. One day, I decided to escape. So, break through the fence that had at home, and left. But my troubles were not over there. The next day, a lady found me and took me to the vet. He called my home and the child's father came to fetch me. His son, greeted me with a new beat, but I was not willing to take it anymore. I rebelled against him and barked. The boy kicked me and left. But I could hear as he and his father argued about my stay with them. The small screamed and kept repeating that I did not love him, and was a hindrance to your life.

But one morning, my father picked her up and took me to a park. Let me run around and played a little. When I got tired, came over to me and pulled out a knife, the same one he had murdered my mother. All the memories came back to me. I knew what I wanted. It is going to get rid of me. The memory of my mother left me sad and in pain. I left the forces. I fell to the grass, and looked at my master with pleading eyes. He kept his knife. He took my identification badge and medal, and I took it. With a rope, I tied a tree. He then turned and walked away. I had left. As I got rid of that rope is another story. But that day, I realized who it was. I was not a human. It was a dog, a dog would be free of fighting since then to survive and race against cruel ruler of this planet and society. I spent the last two years. Struggling to survive day by day. That's the whole story, "bowed his head.

"Sorry" was all I said.

"We are a real treat for humans. We are a "fashion" in their lives. Boast of our race and our pedigree, as if it were theirs. We pamper and indulge you. I believe you do something you're not, and make you believe that they want you to you. Spend a few very happy years with them, while it lasts. You will want them, despite everything you do. They do not hold grudges. I want above all. But they you do not.

"I'm really sorry.

I remained silent for a moment, thinking.

- Wait a minute!

- "What," said Balto and Lazzi at a time.

- Balto, you can get us out of here fast! So escape!

- Flying? Do all? That's impossible! Yogi, I think I've explained that if I become a spirit to go to heaven, if I wanted, I could not bring me material bodies, only ethereal bodies. And I do not part with you. Whatever fate awaits me.

"Thanks," said Balto. "But

"Suddenly spoke Lazzi How are we going to get flying, or transformed into an ethereal body?

-dog Balto is a Light. A glorified dog. Dog is the Aurora Borealis, told me, very proud of my friend.

"With that ... also believed to be a dog, give him reason to be-and Lazzi laughed.

But Balto does not sit well. I noticed that, unlike me, whom the dog was conquering me increasingly Balto was bothering her presence without hesitation. As one of those typical soap opera dramas themselves, was divided between my best friend, and my "beloved", but still did not know if it was for me too.

Anyway, I answered firmly to defend Lazzi Balto.

-dog Balto is not believed. He saved me on numerous occasions.

-Two, "she interrupted him.

"Well, it saved me, and I owe him my life. It is much more modest than you think. But he is a dog of Light, and I'm not lying.

So, I started to explain in detail, the story Balto had told me. Lazzi apologized. A Balto that seemed content. Although not enough to take her baby as I had caught me. I hope one day they both understand.

After I explained why we were here.

"I need to find the Lord of Bones. You may not believe it, but it is. I, lately, I'm like you a few years ago. Lost in life. I do not know if my owners love me, or whether he really ought to be free is to dogs. I do not know what my place in life. And I need to find it. I hope that the Lord of Bones help me.

Lazzi was silent.

"And there's more. If you know the legend, "she nodded Lazzi, I am the descendant of Lord of Bones.

She looked at my leg twisted.

-you, "exclaimed" It's you. I have always hoped that someday the Chosen arrived. You can get us out of here!

"No, Lazzi. The fact that he is the Chosen One does not mean it as the Lord of Bones. I'm no hero, or no God. I'm not who I thought he was. I'm just an ordinary dog, who has lived all his life from the truth, happily walking with his friends without knowing what is happening in the world with dogs, and naming humans "Dad" or "congeners." I betrayed my race. I do not deserve to be elected. -Yogi

Lazzi said "If you are the Chosen One is because we're going to save everyone. Believe it or not.

-Lazzi. I will not be able to work a miracle. I can not get you out of here.

- Do not worry! Together they hatched a plan! And then the three ... Your friend, you and me ... We will go to The Lord of Bones to find meaning in our lives ... No dog best counselor and friend to the Bent Leg Dog!

-Lazzi, we will not get out of here, I said, increasingly pessimistic. I thought presumptuous for having said he was the descendant of Lord of Bones. Felt it was not worth all those compliments.

"Besides, his evil father seeks to capture him and get the bone in order to master the Animal World. "Someone moved in a back-boxes and go hot on our heels, but it was a lie because we were now heading to Japan and we were totally free of it. But it was clear they wanted rid of her Balto.

"Well, but if she wants to come ...

- No way! Very dangerous!

"But, please ...

Balto - No! I said no! Is that clear?

Lazzi bow his head again ...

-Yogi. I ... actually ... I'm not going to see The Lord of Bones to ask who I am ... not what is my place ... I have decided that I will fight for the freedom of the Canes ...

"But ... then ... why are you going to see The Lord of Bones? What helps you fight? "To ask the Council?

"No, Yogi ... I ... I'm sick. A tick has sickened my body. If I do not think The Lord of Bones save me, and very soon, within a few days, I'll be dead. So I need to go to him, "he went with his little head bowed" But if think me a nuisance, do not worry about me. Ingeniare to me to go out alone. Hope to see you at the Lost City of the Canes.

"Sorry, Lazzi. I had no idea! You can help! Sure! Right, Balto?

"Great, finally, I've become a nanny. Now I have to carry this mobile nursery that I have around, "he murmured" But still your position that, my dear, I feel no right to leave you stranded. Of course I'll come with us, "smiled Lazzi.

- Thanks, really!

"No thank you give us," said Balto, would be too cruel to leave you here. Even if you win, I have, the truth winked at Lazzi friendly eye.

"I was wrong with you, Balto. You're a big dog. You, you are like family to me. And it much I can not enjoy a "wept silently I miss my beloved mother, Kasih. In an ancient language, means love I remember she always told me it would come out ahead, come what may. We lived on the streets of Moscow, and not easy to survive there. I always talked about my dear grandmother. I never met her, but missed her as much as my mom. She said my grandmother was a great dog, and would be proud of me.

"If there is too much to ask, how did your grandmother? "I said, curious.

- died because of the cruelty and selfishness! Become attached to those dirty humans was betraying my principles, and now I'm totally sorry for that. Someday, avenge my mother and grandmother, and the dogs finally rid us of people, forever! "I was hurt, but at the same time, angry, furious and angry" My mother told me that, unlike other races, only good-hearted dogs do something to change the world, get a soul. Kasih, said my grandmother had, and therefore always be alive in me. I said that I resembled her. Always told me that my grandmother lived in the stars, watching me from there. I tried to see her but only saw millions of tiny dots in the blue sky night. Before bed every night, always told me that story, and I sang a beautiful lullaby her mother sang to her when she was little. I remember clearly:

She sleeps under the blue sky,

and dreams of the golden stars. That

that shines the brightest, her grandmother,

wants it for her.

All animals listened wagon Lazzi melancholy. His poetry made them mourn, and made them think about their loved ones, now they were both longing.

"Why, Lazzi. It's ... beautiful. I love. Really.

"Thanks, but I have not made. The credit goes to my grandmother. I wish I had known. Was to be a wonderful dog. My dream is to know. If it is true that my grandmother got a soul, perhaps the Bone Lord, help me to know.

"Yeah, but to find the Lord of Bones, we leave here," I suggested myself.

Lazzi rose. We were all ready to escape.

- right! We get out!

all screamed in unison "we get out!".

"I think you have to do is jump through the cracks that have the wagon. So get away, "said the Chief Lemine, ready to kill again, pulling one of the holes that had that" room. "

"Please, Lemi. Do not make anything stupid. Pulling out there do not get out alive. The train is running, and surely will die crushed by one of its wheels.

- Train "I said.

"Yes, train. A huge machine that moves long and can carry freight as living beings. What did you think? What was a giant snake that made a strange noise, and relentless carrying hundreds of passengers?

preferred not to answer.

But Lazzi continued talking.

"Listen everyone. Special Meeting!

all prepared to pay attention.

"The plan already had been working, has finally taken shape in my mind.

- Bravo! "Cheered everyone.

"But I need the cooperation of each and every one of the captives here. Now listen carefully. When these men come to catch us to take us to the Mansion of Human Quebrantapiedras Johny, you, Lemine, who are the only ones capable of passing through the bars of these cages, I lanzaréis on them, and one of you, no matter what me, I snatch the keys to the cage. Is that clear?

- I'll do it because I'm the boss and the highest, too! Lemi cried.

- But I am the least and so I will!

- For I am the oldest!

- And I the fattest!

- And me who is so blind!

- For I know peeling potatoes!


And all began to argue.

But Lazzi not seem very willing to endure such a stupid discussion.

- over! I know not properly organize yourselves so will I say and you're done! What will the fattest!

"I always said that being fat was good for health, and good for luck, jo jo," boasted the Lemine Gordo.

"Well, you pay attention, right? Barked Lazzi "Listen, once the Lemine Gordo has caught the keys, release the keys to the cell of the Wise Lord Baboon, who is here" She looked at Don Nyani The baboon, which was supported on an old arch-Since it has good hands and some nimble fingers to handle such an instrument. Which will open the small box that is locked up poor Mr. Mende, a very fast Tigre Beetle that can reach ten kilometers per hour, so only its small size. He will serve as a "skeleton key" to open all the cages in which we have enclosed, as swift as the wind. Then the Lord Chimp, will deal with the rope tie here is abandoned-line looked great in the middle of the room-humans who come. Then, I'll enter with your help and the Lord Baboon Nyani in the cage in which I enclosed hayo a cage with room for a small snake, so they can learn with us, animals have not been played.

- Viva! -Went back to cheering.

Suddenly, we feel the doors opened slowly.

- Lemine, ready! "I had time to tell Lazzi.

The doors opened wide.

But those humans, only had time to see little creatures swooped on them, and one of these creatures, the fattest, I snatched the keys to the cages.

But when Lemine Gordo took them into his hands, stumbled, and slipped the keys to the slit which moments ago had tried to pull together with their peers.

So Lemine all rushed up the keys, leaving unattended humans. Finally, one of them managed to grab the keys, and rebuked the Gordo Lemine his clumsiness.

- why he should have been me! He said that the only difference Lemine nectarines peaches!

But with so much distraction, had not realized that humans had pounced on them. Luckily, small animals managed to launch the precious metal instrument to baboon cell, which began testing all the levers were in the bunch of keys.

After a while, finally managed to open the doors, but, to get out ... Two men were waiting.

snatched the keys, he returned to put in its cage, and loaded all the cells in a species train, now that I know their names, but smaller, and outdoors.

heard sobbing Lazzi mutter "Damn ...

human. Someday I will avenge my mother. Someday I will.

I felt the need to help. But I could not do anything, at least at that time. Then they separated us.

closed my eyes, and slept in the heat of Balto, very sad. When I opened them, I came face to face with a huge machine, bigger even than the train. This also had an elongated shape. But it was more like a crocodile than a snake. It was of a reddish white color.


Suddenly, someone picked up the box where we were Balto and me, and suddenly threw us into a kind of mechanism, full of suitcases. Ascended and descended, and we took turns without doing anything about it.

-Balto, I have fear.

"Never fear, Yogi. I am still here to help.

I drew closer to Balto.

- Where do we lead?

I do not know. But I promise I'll do everything in my leg, to come out of here, and we can go see The Lord of Bones.

"Balto," also redeem Lazzi, to come with us?

"Yes, little, yes. But now he sleeps. I do not know what will happen tomorrow, but I know that we have a long day.

I leaned closer to him. After that, I remember nothing more. I think I fell asleep.

But my dreams were not dreams. Were nightmares. I had the feeling that this strange machine in which we were, rose into the air, traveling instead to remain at ground level. He dreamed that his mother was Lazzi. But suddenly my father appeared and kidnapped him. Forced him to take me to me, and she refused, my father murdered in a coup. Those

days was experiencing strange sensations, feelings that had never before experienced. But at that time, was developing a very special feeling towards that kind dog.

CONTINUED ... As for my adventures ... DSC01406 Montecerrao A highlight of the first weekend of the month was sunny ... it was a good day for the Prima Vera and many friends gathered in the park to celebrate. Even my dear friend Matt came to greet us ...

DSC01434 For their part, chachi Bipes passed it with a " muffins" that daddy was accompanied a delicious coffee that made my friend BIPE Bimba and that, gladly shared with us ... Even

BIPE Rufus came with goodies for everyone ... DSC01462 But do not get tired ... I leave the photos and if you want to see other points of view to activate the comments to see them ...

Sun, mimes and friends and the next weekend ... Well, to tell you that just know how girls will react when they see us do you happen to you the same? Have you with us?. I'm going to explain but you will have to see the series of photos at the end that you clarify what everything. The fact is that I wanted to give a kiss to her first Pepa and her head away from my mouth ... and then my legs completely surrender to love. For its part, Lola-particularly our Cleopatra approached as if to escape, do not really know if out of fear or because she is. Tola is that "neither you nor without you" ... he ignored me like I was a stranger and that I know he likes me, so that the end was Pepa which won the "beak". DSC01584 Piquitos Jara did not want that bunny ... just catch me. The problem with that is that you, being so gentle, just to drool wetback ... but being a pretty girl I did not care too. Julia, the other French girl, was not interested in me, alone in his ball and gave me a demonstration of the power of their jaws and jumping ability ...

DSC01647 And then there's the new Jara ... the only is interested in racing and, of course, dating the most handsome-not me-unfortunately for my group, my friend Otto. Which, because of his shyness, he chose to depart a little girl ... so liberal

Well, I leave the rest of the pics: Girls

I just

remaining two sad news ...

image The worst part is saying goodbye to my dear friend Cassava has crossed the rainbow a few days ago ... I hope your Bipes and are better for having lost such a good friend.

image The other bad news is that my girlfriend is Tolita ... With the collar of shame! because of glandular problem is not that a nameless place .... I hope he recovers soon so unpleasant disease and that his brother's care Nevado much or I get upset with him next time I see him.

I hope you were able to forgive the length of this post ...




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