Thursday, September 30, 2010

Maytag Pye2300 No Power


The presidential polls have never meant much to me like this time: it's my first ballot. After an aggressive campaign of the candidates for mayor of Lima (Lima eternal our long centralist), I have to give my opinion, however, always attached to the original feeling of love for my true earth Cusco I have to give my opinion. But also, I declare this topic as bipolar thing I've learned in this lifetime and not be gullible.

First position: footing
Taking definite position has always defined me. Right or wrong, my analysis and electoral preference for the two cities where I live is this: In Lima, supported the candidature of Professor Susana Villaran, candidate of social forces, in part by New Left position, his specific proposals and political purposes. I'm sure that the plan "a file for all" will be the guide to Lima you want more security, better transportation and transparency. On the other hand, in Cusco, unfortunately my analysis is, in part, by discarding. We must prevent the candidate Humala and Chavez, Acurio Coco came to the region, for this, I bow my vote for Máximo San Román although not sympathize much with you is the option you could get up early to Acurio, the candidate Humala Cusco region. At provincial level, relied heavily on the candidate Qosqollay, Willy Cuzmar both Wanchac by their government, for the knowledge I have of him. It marked a remarkable work of the expressway (Part Wanchac) and Huayruropata remodeling. At district level, I have found an outstanding candidate.

Second position: indifferent
After lengthy samples of broken promises and broken dreams, there is also disagreement with the position and political actors, vendors and snake charmers promises. Therefore, the songwriter Jorge Millions of deep trova Peruvian brings two great songs representing this view.


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