Thursday, June 30, 2005

Best Grecian Hairstyles

First Impressions ...

that in Japan are all like a bell? that Tokyo is a "godless"? that the fall Tokyoites collapsed in the street? mia that paranoid mother country.
Things that caught my attention:
What are the Japanese kind
how clean they are all the streets (and there are hardly any bins)
The transport network (which efficiency by god)
The obsession with messages Mobile
The way to break his neck in meters, that way you sleep .. What little enduring
drinking (fall like birds in the streets and the rock is Descojonado of them)
The noise generated little why they speak so softly?
What are the japanese beautiful, always at the last, many organized fashion all
We have all subway exits, etc ...
The pachinko (someone understands that game?)

in order that we have passed thousand and one anecdotes that we will tell, or at least those that can ...., if someone dares to count Friday night in Tokyo later ....


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