"Friendship is more difficult and rarer than love.
Therefore, we must save it as "
Alberto Moravia (1907-1990)
" Alberto Pincherle "Italian writer
What is friendship? What is happiness? Difficult to define terms and, worse, difficult to understand. I think they are terms specific definition beyond static and terms to be clarified in greater detail in every moment of life, why would define what if you do not feel. It's easier to know who is our friend or what makes us happy to know the term in the abstract.
The feeling is incredible friends, is something that does not change anything. Is better than any other feeling good in this world, in my opinion. Recently, for personal reasons, I knew that this was possible, I was in a rather depressing and stressful, but as the saying goes, you never know until you live it. Now that I'm living thank fate that put before me to such great friends as I have, I can say I know who my friends and I know that, at least in part, I am happy there is always the sadness of having my family away.
As the song goes from Littlest listen to the cassettes of my father “Yo quiero tener un millón de amigos y así más fuerte poder cantar”; tengo la gran suerte de tener amigos en Cusco y en Lima de diferentes experiencias: Universidad, la Pre, Colegio, Reuniones, Tonos, Ayllu, etc. Todos son especiales y soy feliz de saber que tengo tantos amigos. Como lo dije, es más fácil saber quienes son nuestros amigos que saber qué es la amistad; y saber cuando eres feliz que saber qué es la felicidad.
Estas pequeñas líneas están dedicadas a todos mis amigos, los de Cusco y los de Lima, pero especialmente a quienes hacen de mi vida diaria, una vida muy feliz y especial: Andy, Liss, Wen, Syl, Diana, Ale, Laura, Moni, Eler y Mija. Gracias a ustedes my life in this city is becoming less tedious, and sometimes I can forget the sadness of every day. I love you all. Andre Javier Murillo